Lunch & Home Time

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Liz walked out from the cafeteria with lunch and music box in hand, I waved and she smiled while stopping after she got over to me. We talked a bit until her music box started playing and my phone started shaking, we stepped away from them while watching and everyone crawled out of them as if they were magicians. Toby, EJ, and Jack coming from the music box, while Ben came from my phone. Liz and I looked around to make sure no one was watching when it happened, and thankfully no one was. 

"I swear it's like you guys are coming out of a clown car when you do that.." Liz commented.

I didn't disagree though, it was true. The boys shrugged while Laughing Jack chuckled a little, I wouldn't admit it to Liz but he looked really weird to me. For the rest of the lunch period the boys talked to me and Liz, people gave us weird looks but we didn't care. LJ and EJ fought a few times while Liz just ate her nachos, and ben and toby just held my hands or held me close while I tried to remain calm and collected. 

When lunch was over Ben returned to my phone and the other three returned to the music box, me and Liz parted ways then headed to our own classes. I was still confused about this whole ordeal, it was interesting to say the least. I knew reincarnation could possibly exist, but I didn't think that I was forced to do so by a mannequin like creature. I sat down in my seat in class then looked at what was playing on my Spotify, then it hit me. 'Would phones work in their-.. our.. dimension?..' I asked myself in thought.

I couldn't just not use electronics, they're my only source of entertainment. My only source of knowledge too, I don't think I could live without my phone or computer. I ignored the class while thinking about this, Ben said we would be going back once I fully remembered so there's no point for school anymore. 'Wonder how Clocks worth and Jane are doing...' I pondered, then started doodling from boredom. 

The classes seemed to go by really quickly, it was as if someone had sped up time. But that's impossible, no one can control time. I headed down the main stairs and met up with Liz, then she gave me Toby back before heading to the bus. Ben jumped out of my phone and us three headed back upstairs and out the main entrance of the building. The boys joked and made me laugh while walking home with me, it was really interesting to see how they got along despite being so different.

When we arrived back home, I headed to my room and got changed into a onesie, then plopped on my bed and got comfortable. I then felt the boys on each side of me and I looked at them, they smiled at me and cuddled me closely. I liked it because they were comfy, but it makes me wonder what Liz goes through.


As I rode the bus back home, I watched some Markiplier with Zander while leaning my head on his shoulder. Which was normal for us, because we were homies, and we were used to it. I saw LJ come out of the music box and he loomed over us while the bus kept moving, I motioned at him that he can't be out and he just glared at Zander who was still next to me. I tried to motion for him to get back in the music box, but he didn't do so.

"Who is this?.." He asked.

I panicked a bit and looked at Zander, he just looked back at me before going back to watching Markiplier. 'Huh?.. he didn't hear him?..' I asked myself internally, then looked up at LJ and motioned that he was my friend.

"Just.. a friend?.. Why are you laying your head on his shoulder then?.." He asked through gritted teeth.

I facepalmed and motioned that we could talk about this after I got off the bus, then motioned for him to get in the box again. This time he sighed and complied with me, he got back in the box and I closed it.

"Are you okay? you're acting weirder than normal.." Zander mentioned.

"I'm alright, don't worry about me.. Let's continue watching Markiplier.."

"If you say so.."

When I got to my stop I got off the bus with Zander, we said our goodbyes then headed our separate ways. LJ exited the music box again and loomed over me while we walked towards my apartment, I looked up at him with a calm demeanor while he stared at me as if waiting for an explanation.

I sighed, "Zander is just a friend.. We met earlier this year when I wore a mask that he recognized.. we became friends fairly quickly afterwards and I'm basically like one of the guys to him.. which is why he lets me use his shoulder as a pillow.. I also do that because when I'm watching little picture shows on his little tablet I can't see it that well so I have to look over his shoulder.. which is why I lay my head on his shoulder so that I can see it.." I explained to him.

"So you're not attracted to him?.."

"No.. I'm not attracted to him in any sort of way.. He's just one of my guy friends.."

LJ stared for a moment then sighed, "Alright.."

I entered my apartment and went into my shared bedroom, then took my shoes off and set my backpack down next to my bed. I stretched before going to use the bathroom, when I finished, I walked out to see LJ laying on my petite bed, his long legs drooping off the bottom. I walked over and stood over him, he looked up at me then grabbed my hand and pulled me down on top of him. I blushed a bit while my head had ended up on his chest, then I looked up at him while he smiled his sharp toothy grin. I smiled a little as well then he started running his claw like fingers through my hair, it felt like he was brushing my hair. Which is fine since it feels nice, I closed my eyes and relaxed myself on top of him while he continued running his fingers through my hair. I felt my eyelids grow heavy, I soon drifted off to sleep shortly afterwards. 

(1095 words)

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