Chapter 5

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We walked up to stairs to the entrance of the apartment, "there's a lot of people here, maybe we can find a doctor." Karube said. I nodded. We walked up to the small table to grab a phone. It made that chiming noise it did on our first game.

I looked around, there was a boy there who has blonde hair and a white Nike hoodie. He had headphones on and you could tell it was on full volume, I could hear it.

He was charging something, I wasn't sure what it was. I looked back at my phones when it startled me by the chiming noise. "Registration has closed. There are a total of 14 participants. The game will now commence. The blonde boy took out his earbud.

"E—excuse me." A boy in a hat said, he was new it seemed. "What is this? I was brought here." He chuckled nervously. "And I... I don't know what going on." "It's a game." Arisu said, Karube interrupted their conversation "shut up. Newbies will slow up down. They might hate us, but I think it's be a good idea to do what Shubuki did." So that's the brown haired girls name, Shibuki.

"Difficulty, five of spades." "Five of spades?" I said looking down at my phone. A guys voice interrupted "it's gonna be physical. Only the strong survive. I'm Nibote. Nice to meet you." Nibote put his hand out but no one shook it.

"The suit means something?" Arisu asked. "Exactly." Nibote chuckled, his hand was still out and Arisu shook it this time. "The suit of the playing card usually means what kind of game it's gonna be. Clubs is a team battle. Diamonds is your wits. And as for hearts. That's the worst one." He giggled

"Why is that?" Arisu asked. "Because you're playing with peoples hearts then tear them apart." He said. "And the number?" "Difficulty." He replied with "the higher the number in the card, the harder it is."

The phones chime. "Game is "tag". Rule. Avoid whoever is "it"." "What?" One of the other players said "so who's "it"?" I asked "how should I know?" Karube replied with. Rude much.

I couldn't keep my eyes off the blonde boy, "clear condition. Discover and touch the Symbol hidden in one of the buildings rooms within the time limit. You clear the game when the objective is fulfilled. Time limit, 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the time bomb hidden in the building will explode."

"The game will commence in two minutes." "Guys, I'm gonna go to the 7th floor. I'm not a fast runner I don't want to slow you guys down." They nodded

I went to the top floor. I got to the top and saw the blonde boy, I stood a few feet away from him looking down at the people.

"Hey." I said. He ignored me for a while. "What's your name?" He finally replied. "Y'n l'n, you?" "Shuntaro Chishiya." A fanfare music interrupted us. "The game will now commence."

I heard gunshots every now and then. But the whole time I was just staring at Chishiya. He was attractive, but I can't have attraction for people in this world. I wont do it.

He looked back at me, "so, why arent you with those guys from earlier?" "I'm not fast. I don't want to slow them down."

"Ah." He nodded, and then looked away. "What the hell?" I looked at the 4th flour and saw a human in a horse mask shooting people. "What is that?" I said "must be the tagger." Chishiya said

All of a sudden I heard someone yelling "he's up here! On the second level, he can't see properly because of his mask! Tell us where he is if you see him, and let's all look for the symbol!" It was Arisu.

"That's a good idea, but. Nobody wants to help." Chishiya said. "He's in the fourth-level hallway in the central building! Anyone there should get out!" A female voice said.

"Really?" Chishiya said "I guess you were wrong." I chuckled. I saw a girl climbing the poles on the outside of the walls. "woah. She's talented" I said to myself. "A climber? She's not bad." I agreed with Chishiya

"The game is over in eight minutes." I heard the female voice from my phone say. "There are currently seven survivors." We started with 14. 7 left, 7 dead. I looked down again when I heard gunshots to see the tagger shooting from far away to a door.

Why would they shoot from so far away? Chishiya looked at his phone. "And here we go." He looked back to see me not following. "Come on." I nodded and followed him.

I arrived to a room with Chishiya, The same room that the tagger was shooting at. Once we got there Arisu was also there. "Figured it out too, huh?" Chishiya said.

"Yeah the symbols in here." Arisu put his hand on the handle but hesitated to open it. "Gonna open it?" I asked "why was he chasing us? He could've just waited" Arisu asked "guess there something we don't know."

"Except." Chishiya pulled his phone out and showed Arisu."not much time left." There was 3 more minutes. He doorknob cranked as Arisu opened the door. I walked in after chishiya and Arisu.

We all looked around. Arisu turned around and pushed me and Chishiya out of the way. "Look out!" The tagger was in the room with us the whole time. They started shouting random places. Unexpectedly, Chishiya tased him with the thing he was charging earlier. Who knew, it what a taser

The tagger fell the the ground "shit." I said. Chishiya sighed, "it never hurts to be prepared-" suddenly the tagger got up and started shooting at us again. Chishiya grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room closing the door.

"You left Arisu!!" I said "he'll be fine, I know it." I knew he would be fine too, he's smart. "Someone get over her! The Symbols up here! Room 406! I cant clear the game alone! We need two people to do it!" Arisu yelled

"Seriously?" Chishiya said, still holding the door shut. "Let's go." I said. Me and chishiya snuck in the room, and walked over to the safe room.

"Here!" Chishiya tossed the taser to the climber girl. She caught it and tased the tagger. "The buttons!" I yelled "five, four three" Arisu and climber girl jumped up at the same time pushing the buttons.

"Shit!" I fell down relieved that we made it. "Game cleared congratulations." We looked over to the tagger who was a woman, unexpectedly. She was sobbing and a device on her neck started to ding.

"Oh no." I said. The collar exploded and she died. We did it, we beat tag.

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