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When the pizza arrived everyone was quick to grab a slice, Seungmin being the last and first to notice I didn't have a piece. He handed me a plate as I thanked him with a silent nod.

"So Jiwoo, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Jae asked with a sweet smile. As much as I knew she was just trying to get to know me, it stung.

I shook my head. "Dating has never been on my mind. I don't really have interest in it."

"Gurlll just say your shy, no need to lie." She giggled with her girlfriend under her arm.

I shook my head, staring down at the pizza. "I wasn't lying. I've never really even had a close friend until I met the boys."

Her smile dropped, sharing a look with Mihi and a few of the boys. "Well I'm glad you met these goofballs then. They are the kindest and most thoughtful people you'll ever meet. Your safety is also guaranteed." She chuckled nervously.

Her words didn't exactly make sense to me at the end but I nodded in agreement, looking over to Jisung as a silent thank you.

Without him I probably would have been dead in my room for no one to find me..

"So... You moved in with the boys not long ago, right? Your parents didn't care that you were moving in with four boys?"

I was stuck. I didn't want to blurt my whole story in front of everyone, however I sucked at lying.

"Why would that be a problem? She can make her own decisions." A voice broke my racing thoughts as I looked back to find the owner; Minho.

  Guess he was back in the room.

Jae shrugged. "I just know my parents would have freaked out if I was only seventeen."

"Mihi do you plan on going back with Jae to America?" Chan asked the small girl, directing the attention away from me. Thank you channie.

The girl nodded excitingly, going on and on about how she's always wanted too and now she could.

After a fourth bite I no longer felt hungry, setting the plate down and carefully standing from the couch.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass, filling it with ice water before chugging it.

Minho looked over and frowned, mouthing 'are you okay' as he was the only one who could see me. I nodded, letting a yawn escape my mouth.

I shouldn't be this tired.. it's only the middle of the day.

I grabbed a small mug, pouring myself some coffee and making it as I've watched the boys do. I shrugged as it didn't taste as good as Jisungs or chan's, but it works.

Minho stood and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a coffee creamer I've only seen him use. He splashed some into my coffee, motioning me to try it.

I hummed, enjoying the salted caramel taste. "I really like that." I chuckled, taking another sip.

"It's my coffee creamer but feel free to use it whenever." He lightly brushed my shoulder walking back to his seat at the table, away from the others.

Why is it so damn impossible to figure him out? He's too unreadable.

I finished the cup within a few minutes, sitting alone in the Blindspot of the kitchen to let my brain relax for the moment.

My head began to pound as I leaned over, resting my elbows on the counter and my head in my hands.

A sudden tap on my shoulder scared the shit out of me as I laughed it off.

"What's wrong?" Jisung asked, lightly massaging my shoulder.

"I've just got a headache, that's all." I forced a smile, blinking a few times as the headache became significantly worse.

"I think.. I think I should go and lay down." I admitted, struggling to open my eyes all the way after having them closed for a few seconds. I let myself fall to the side on to Jisung, his arm wrapping around the brace to keep me steady.

Another person walked up as I only saw their feet, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to lay down and close my eyes.

"She got a sudden migraine, I'll take her upstairs to rest." Jisung informed the other, slowly pulling me into the livingroom to get upstairs.

"Is she okay?" Jeongin asked, pulling everyone's attention back to me.

"She has a migraine, I'm going to take her upstairs so she can sleep it off." Jisung explained once again, warning me about the stairs as we began to go up.

My vision blurred as I tried to ignore the pain and open my eyes all the way. We walked into his room and he set me on the bed, moving the blankets for me.

Not even bothering to pull the brace off I flopped over, a small whine escaping my mouth. The male looked at me with worry, lightly rubbing my arm.

"Is there anything you want me to do?" He whispered.

"Thank you sunggie.. for helping me so much when I can't do anything in return.."

He sighed, moving my hair from my face to place a kiss on my forehead. I smiled, leaning into his hand.

I enjoyed the warmth, so much that I really didn't want to be without it.

"Can you stay.. with me?" I mumbled, feeling embarrassed at such a request. He smiled and nodded, moving to sit on the bed next to me.

"Other than the migraine, are you okay? You look a bit pale." He frowned, placing his hand on my forehead and cheek to test the temperature. "You're a little warm.."

"I'm think I'm okay." I sighed, covering my eyes with my hands. The boy got up and turned the lights off, returning to his seat.

"Hey.. I have a question.. can it stay between us?"

He frowned, nodding his head. "Yeah, what's on your mind?"

I stared at the ceiling, feeling nervous all of a sudden. But this is my chance to ask..

"I've learned a lot about you and the boys the short amount of time I've been here.. but Minho is still such a mystery to me. Does he just.. not like to talk about himself?"

He let out a small chuckle, taking in my question. His expression became darker, looking over to check that the door was closed.

I frowned at his actions, waiting for him to speak.

"Minho hyung is quite a character, I can tell you that. He has his caring side, the one who knows just how and when to comfort someone. However a majority of the time he is easily hot tempered and will rip someone apart for looking at him the wrong way. It's extremely rare he creates new friendships and deeply cares for someone so I guess you could say we have all luckily made it to his soft side."

"But.." I trailed off, meeting Jisungs kind eyes. "How did he end up in such a large friend group?"

"Well that's as big of a mystery to me as well. Before everyone, the friend group was only Bangchan, Minho, and Changbin hyung. Even to the rest of us their story before us was never told in full.."

He looked down to his lap, chewing on his lip. "You didn't hear it from me, but I believe they weren't involved with the greatest of people as teenagers. Something must have happened that they all put something behind them.."

"Where did you hear this from if they never told you? Has it ever effected your trust in them?"

His eyes grew wide as he shook his hands in front of his face. "Not at all! I trust them all with my life and you shouldn't think otherwise of them either. I heard a few things from Felix. Changbin has a bit of a soft spot for the kid."

"But he still doesn't know the whole story, does he?"

He shook his head, his eyes returning to his lap. "Whatever you learn about them, promise me you won't treat them differently. Even if whatever they did was bad.. they aren't bad people."

"I won't sunggie. Nothing changes the fact that you guys have saved my life, looking out for me since. I trust them."

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