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  My heart raced as I waited for him to knock. I covered my face in the only foundation I have, wearing the same hoodie over my head with some cargo pants to hide the bruises on my legs.

  I kept my hair down, hoping my disguise worked enough. I jumped out of my skin at the knock, slowly creaking the door open to reveal a smiley Jisung.

"Hey, you sure you are comfortable with this?" He questioned as I hesitantly nodded, closing the door behind me. "I have to be back before six.. please don't let me be late.."

"I won't. Let's get over and have some coffee." He smiled, warming my heart. As we walked over he kept a hand on my back, opening the front door for me.

As I stepped inside the whole livingroom was surprisingly decorated nicely, giving the home a very comfortable vibe. Walking me towards the livingroom the two males stood, greeting me.

"You remember Felix and this is Bangchan, the oldest hyung. And you guys this is Jiwoo." Jisung introduced, keeping a hand on my shoulder. I slightly bowed, shaking hands with both of them.

"Would you like some coffee?"

"S-sure." I answered the older as we took our seats on the couch. Bangchan came back with a mug, setting it in front of me. "T-thank you."

I slowly sipped the coffee, humming from the sweet taste. "How is it?"

"Perfect.. thank you.. I can't say I've had coffee before.." I nervously chuckled to myself, unable to look anyone in the eyes. I pulled the hoodie closer to my face in fear, my eyes shooting to the stairs as someone entered the room.

"That's the last roommate, Minho. He's grumpy in the mornings so don't take it personal." Bangchan informed.

Felix scoffed, "more like grumpy all the time."

Minho ignored everything being said, plopping down in a chair with his coffee. He silently scrolled through his phone, paying no attention to us.

"So Jiwoo, how long have you lived in this neighborhood?" Bangchan kindly asked with a soft smile, making me a bit less nervous.

"I've lived here.. m-most of my life. I moved into my house when I was four.. with my parents.." I responded, feeling Jisungs hand rest between my shoulders.

"You know she isn't a child, she can talk without help." Minho blurted, gaining four very surprised sets of eyes.

"Don't be so damn rude to a kid." Bangchan snapped at him, looking back towards me with a smile.

The duality.

"Do you have any friends around the neighborhood or at school?" He politely asked once more, sipping his own coffee.

I glanced at Jisung who gave a sad smile, rubbing my back. If I didn't know any better this felt like an interrogation, however so does every talk with my father.

"I'm a bit of a loner haha.. I'm homeschooled." I lied, shifting in my seat to be in less pain.

My father had hit me right in the ribs this morning. I lied about just waking up to Jisung, as I didn't want him to worry anymore. However ever since, even a deep breath hurt, making it impossible to sit comfortably.

"Ah I see. These two and a few of our other friends will be going to this highschool down the road for senior year, why don't you join them?" He suggested.

I nervously laughed, however immediately regretted it as a sharp pain shot throughout my torso.

"Hey what's wrong." Jisung instantly worried after hearing my slight hiss in pain, but I tried my best to play it off. "N-nothing, I ran into the counter this morning when I was getting ready and wasn't watching where I was going.. I'm okay."

"Jiwoo." He spoke, gaining my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine-"

"Jiwoo." He stated again, making me regret making an excuse. Or at the very least I should have said it was last night..

"Where does it hurt?"

"She said she was fine damn." Minho stood, walking back upstairs.

The two stayed silent as Jisung waited for an answer from me. I grabbed his sleeve, begging him not to do this here. "I'm okay.. I swear it's nothing serious.. may I use your guys restroom?"

"Yeah it's down the hall to the right." A confused Felix instructed as I attempted to get up from the very low sat couch, hissing in greater pain.

"Alright I can't do it what did he do." Jisung blurted in front of the other two, helping me up from the couch as I held my ribs.

I glanced at the other two worried faces, feeling unwanted tears slide down my cheeks. "I t-told you it's n-nothing. I'm going to head back-"

"Jiwoo we know.." Bangchan placed a hand on my wrist as I attempted to walk away, but my blood ran cold.

He knows what?

"We know what your father is doing to you.. it's okay to talk to us."

I turned to the guilty looking Jisung, who just carefully pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry I broke our promise.. but you broke one by not texting me."

I broke out into sobs, but began whining in pain as it got worse. "Lay her down on the couch we should take a look." Bangchan instructed, joining my side as well. "Will you let us help you?"

I didn't know what to say, trying my best to calm my sobs to lesson the pain. Too much was happening at once, making it impossible to say anything that instead, I went completely nonverbal.

Jisung once again pulled me in for a hug, protectively holding my head close to him. "We need to make sure nothing is broken.." he whispered.

I shook my head against him, wanting to hide the sight of the nasty bruise that displayed on my ribcage. He sighed, moving us to set me on the couch.

He knelt in front of me, moving my hood down with a serious expression. Looking for the bruise on my face, he grabbed a tissue, moving it towards my face before I stopped him. "Okay.. I'll l-let y-you."

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