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   "Ji', wake up, we are here."

  I sat up with a groan, seeing a small little cottage covered by trees. Jisung helped me out, holding onto my arm as we walked inside.

It was bigger than it looked for sure. We all sat around the couches, the three of us still trying to process everything.

San sighed, turning on the tv for some sound. "I know this is a lot to handle. Is there anything we can do?"

"No, thank you guys for helping us.." Jisung weakly let out, trying to comfort the silent Felix and I at the same time with back rubs. Yunho stood, looking around. "I'll see if there's some food I can put together."


Hours passed as we hadn't heard anything. All we knew for sure was that Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin were all safe at another house far away from home. None of us wanted to go off to a room alone and sleep so the three of us laid out some blankets on the floor, trying to get a bit of sleep in a pile of cuddles. Yunho and San stayed awake, keeping their promise of keeping watch.

It had to have been a few hours later as the sound of glass breaking jolted us all awake. Jisung pulled me to stand as Yunho told us to keep quiet. San quietly brought us to the kitchen, instructing us to hide behind the counter as Yunho went to check the noise.

Please not now...

San pulled his phone out, cursing under his breath. Someone began banging on the door non stop as I jumped into Jisungs arms, hiding my face against his chest to stay quiet.

"Come on, grab your stuff!" He yelled in a whisper, Jisung helping me as we did as told. I much appreciated the help, as my body's first reaction is always to freeze.

Yunho guided us towards the back door, telling San about three cars outside. San was the first to sneak out the door with the van keys, saying he'd bring it around back to get us out.

A sudden eruption of yelling and fighting was heard as Yunho cursed, pulling a gun out of his pocket and pointing to a room down the hall. "Go, now!"

Major déjà vu..

I almost screamed as the front windows broke, glass shattering all over the ground.

Jisung dragged me to the room as Felix locked the door. We all moved to the closet, realizing it was only big enough for one person.

"Ji', get in and hide." I wasn't really given a choice as they shoved me in there, closing the door.

I held my hands over my mouth in attempt to quiet my sobs. My body shook in fear as my mind recalled the last situation, scared of the worst.

"Shh." One of the boys shushed the other as they backed away from the closet.

It became worse as the door to the room slammed opened, the sound of the twins fighting as they got dragged out. The closet door swung open to a big buff man wearing a mask as he yanked me out by my arm, pulling me out to the livingroom.

There was no point in fighting but I still tried. I don't want to die here..

Everyone was caught and we were outnumbered by many. San and Yunho had a black eye and a bloody nose, looking to have been beaten up badly.

Felix and Jisung seem to be okay..

"Is this her, sir?" The buff man asked, throwing me on the ground. A thin male walked up to me, a mask and beanie also covering his face. He crouched in front of me, scanning my face. He looked at his phone and back to me, nodding with a hum. "Yeah, looks like it. Song Jiwoo, right?"

I stayed still, terrified to move an inch. He raised a brow, motioning me to say something. He rolled his eyes and brought a hand back as someone suddenly spoke.

"Just tell him the truth. Don't get yourself hurt over something silly." San called. The male in front of me hummed in agreement. "See, he knows the drill. You are Minhos girl, no?"

I sniffled, nodding my head.

He nodded back in satisfaction, letting out a sigh. "You can relax. I'm not to fond of hurting women. That being said, if you try anything funny I won't hesitate. Understand that, cutie?"

I nodded, flinching as he patted my head. "And now we wait for Hanbin to get here. I can't say he has the same view on not hurting you though."

Thanks, good to know, dick.

We sat there for about an hour before I recognized Hanbin as he walked in the door. A huge smile covered his face as he approached me, harshly grabbing my chin to look up at him.

"I knew you were more than just a simple favor. This will be fun."


I was shoved into a car for a twenty minute ride before I was yanked out of the car by the same masked dude from earlier. He dragged me into the trees, yanking my arm down the over grown path.

An old building came into view as we went inside. I was brought to the basement as he pushed me in the door, slamming it behind me. I hissed as my body hit the ground, my shaking and sobbing body hardly having the strength to look up.

Minho... Please be safe..

I was in a room that looked similar to where I was locked up, shooting my panic above and beyond. After a moment, I noticed a male tied to a chair in the corner of the room with his eyes and mouth covered, snapping me back to reality a bit.

I attempted to crawl as quickly as my scared body let me, approaching the male. I managed to reach up to the blindfold, taking it off as I gasped. His wide eyes stared at me as I got the cloth off of his mouth.

"How the hell did you get here?!?" Changbin whispered as I only sobbed, trying my best to try to untie the rope. "H-ha-hanbin-" I choked on my tears, managing to get his hands free. I helped him get the rest off as he pulled me into a hug.

He was covered in blood and injuries, hissing in pain as I grabbed his arm. "S-sorry."

"It's okay. How did Hanbin find you?"

I took a deep breath, trying my best to explain everything that's happened in the last 24 hours.

(Author here, just want to say thank you if you've made it this far. This is the first time I've gotten close to finishing a story in like two years and I know it's not the best. So once again I appreciate you for reading and hope you are enjoying the story:))

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