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Sunlight blinded me as my eyes fluttered open, I went to block the light when I noticed a small weight on my hand.

Minhos hand rested over mine, as his head rested on the same arm. A smile crawled onto my lips as I admired his striking features, the sun highlighting them even more.

He is literally gorgeous.

His phone began to ring as I closed my eyes, my hand becoming cold from the absence of his. He yawned and got up from the chair, walking out of the room to take the call.

I let out a breath, taking my time to fully wake up and sit up. I sipped some water and smiled as I recalled the conversation from last night, feeling a bit giggly.

The door slowly opened as he immediately caught my eyes, showing his usual unreadable expression.

What the hell is this duality?

"Did I wake you up?"

I shook my head. He held up his phone and shook it. "Jisung and Chan will be here soon. Expect some Jisung bear hugs."

I chuckled, thanking him for the warning.

About fifteen minutes went by before Jisung burst into the room, throwing himself on me as expected. I hugged him tightly back, feeling a large sense of comfort.

"I'm so glad your awake.." he sighed, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I noticed three others enter the room, being Bangchan, Felix, and Jeongin.

Once the boy finally backed away everyone took turns to hug me, Bangchan showing a bag of food they picked up on the way. "Hungry?"

*Time skip*
Three days later


I smiled as I gathered my things, getting used to the new brace around me. It was a bit more comfortable and much smaller than the other.

The nurse came in with a sweet smile, informing me it was time to get discharged. She helped me into a wheelchair, as I had to be careful not to strain my back at all.

As I was brought out of the room and down an elevator, the front desk came into view.

And my blood ran cold.

"I'm so happy to see your okay! I was worried sick you know?!" He worriedly ran up to me, pulling me into a cigarette and alcohol scented embrace. Tears bubbled in my eyes as he pulled away with such a fake smile.

Where are the boys? They said they'd be here..

"Thank you so much for calling me as her guardian, those troublesome boys really had the audacity to brainwash my little girl. I can take it from here."


"What do you mean her guardian got her?" Bangchan demanded from the lady at the front desk, who looked at the group of boys with such distaste.

"Her father. He is her legal guardian, you boys are not."

The blonde slammed his first into the desk as Felix and Jisung shared worried looks. "Damn it! Didn't she look scared or frightened when she saw him?!?"

"Sir I'm not sure what you mean, you need to calm down before I call security."

"We helped her get away from that abusive son of a bitch!!!!"

The woman picked up the phone as the boy turned around and stomped out, fuming with anger. The two rushed after him, quickly piling in the car as Bangchan sped off.

"What are we going to do? We can't just let him run off with her." Jisung sniffled, worried to death about the girl.

Saying nothing, Bangchan dialed an unknown number. The call took two rings before a male answered with a blunt 'what?'

"I need you to track someone. His name is Song Donghyun. I need to know everywhere he goes and has been the passed two weeks." He demanded, causing the two youngers in the back seat to share extremely confused looks.

   "On it. Anything else?"

  Bangchan glanced at the two in the mirror, taking a breath before speaking. "He kidnapped his daughter. Song Jiwoo. The moment you find her send me the location."

  "Got it."

  Bangchan hung up the call, preparing himself for the questions to be asked. After a moment of silence he sighed, glancing at them once again.

  "I promise we will help her, I'm not letting him get away with this. All I ask is you trust me."

"Hyung.." Felix started, as Jisung continued it. "We trust you and always will. I know you'll bring her back.. just don't do anything to get yourself hurt.."

  The older sighed, pulling into the neighborhood. "Call the boys over so we can tell them everything."

Felix began calling Changbin as they went into the house, revealing a very confused Minho. He stood, scanning Bangchans angered expression.

"That bastard got to her before we could."

Jisung watched Minhos eyes slightly twitch as he went to walk passed the older, just to be stopped. "I've already got Yeosang on it. There's no other way we can find her."

Minho glanced at Jisung and Felix, ignoring Bangchans words as he grabbed his coat and walked into the garage.

They all heard as the big garage door opened, as well as the motorcycles roar as it turned on and sped off. Seeing as he doesn't take it out often, the three sat in silence as they waited for the rest to join them.

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