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  Changbin, Jisung and I were the first to want to head to the new house. We borrowed Hongjoongs van, taking as much stuff in one trip as possible.

I didn't have much belongings, so it wasn't hard to pack all of my stuff in one go.

  It was an almost three hour drive, but I enjoyed it. Did some sketching of the scenery, sang along to some music, and just watched trees go buy. We pulled into this woodsy neighborhood, each house covered in trees all around and a lot of land. Many of the large houses had farm animals or some sorts of crops.

  We pulled into a long driveway, unable to see the house until we got to the garage.

  It was a beautiful dark grey and white house. I loved the outside view.

  "We can go inside and look around, then start bringing stuff in." He lightly smiled. We walked up to the front door as he fumbled for the keys. We were amazed as he opened the door.

  I giant livingroom with huge windows lighting up the room. The kitchen branched off from the livingroom, being just as big and beautiful.

  "Sung you can choose whatever room you want, there's a total of eight. Four down here and four upstairs. Jiwoo we were going to offer you one of the master bedrooms so you didn't have to share a bathroom with seven boys." He lightly chuckled.

  "I want the room next to hers." Jisung clung to me, hugging my shoulders.

  "Upstairs we go." He directed us up the stairs into a big loft, that had a balcony with two french doors leading out. We looked in awe as we walked all the way down the hall to the end door. Changbin smiled at us again, pushing open the door and stepping out of the way.

  The first thing I noticed was the huge bed, but frowned as a person with a hoodie sat on the end with his back turned.

  As Jisung and I looked with slight fear and confusion, Changbin just motioned us inside.

  The figure stood as the two of us walked in clung to one another. He walked to the side a bit, taking a deep breath as he reached for his hood.

  My heart beat out of my chest as he slowly pulled it down, revealing his pale face.

  I knew it...

  Jisung rushed forword and hugged him, breaking down into tears. "H-hyung!" He sobbed, holding on for dear life. My legs became wobbly as I sunk down to the floor, my leaking eyes staring blankly at him.

  Was this real? Was he actually standing in front of us right now?

  Changbin pulled me off the floor, walking me to the boy as Jisung backed away. Tears fell down Minhos cheeks as he reached down to my hands with his shaky ones. "Hi.." he whispered.

  "W-w-why-" was all I could choke out, watching Minhos tears soak his own shirt.

  "I'm.. s-so sorry. I w-wish I could have told you guys sooner but.. I f-faked my death.. Even with Hanbin behind bars.." he trailed off, moving his hands to my shoulders. "My father created many enemies for me.. it really was the only way we could all live peacefully.

  I fell into his arms, feeling everything come rushing at me. I sobbed, screaming as I cried in his arms. Jisung and Changbin joined the hug as well, everyone shedding some tears.

  We backed away as Minho spun with his arms up. "You like your new room?"

  I finally scanned the room, gasping as another pair or french doors were hidden behind curtains. The bathroom was attached with a jacuzzi and shower, as well as a very large closet. A giant tv hung on the wall as well.

  I squealed excitedly, clapping my hands together as I jumped onto Minho again. The other two chuckled as I dried my happy tears.

  Changbin patted Jisungs shoulders. "We will give you two some time to catch up and bring everything in from the van."

The two walked out, leaving us alone.

I couldn't help but hold onto him, my face burried against his chest. I just cried, his arms wrapping around me and lifting me up.

He moved us to the edge of the bed, sitting so I was on his lap. We readjusted the hug, sitting in silence for a few minutes.

"Again.. I'm so sorry I put you and all of the boys through that.. I'm so so so sorry." He sniffled. I slightly backed away, grabbing the sides of his face.

Seeing him cry broke my heart.

I smiled through my own tears, moving closer to place a kiss on both of his eyes. "It was hard.. but I can't imagine it was easy for you either.. d-did the bullet wound really heal?"

He nodded, tucking some hair behind my ear. "Yeah.. I'm okay."

I hugged him again, laying my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back as I just listened to his breathing.

He's actually back.. in my arms..

"T-thank you for s-staying alive, I was so scared.."

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