Hanni - Hug

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Written 22/10/21
Revisited 23/01/23
Words: almost 700
Feels like somethings missing but idk what it is :(

Finally reunited after the stress of exam week and not being able to see each other due to going to different schools than her

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Finally reunited after the stress of exam week and not being able to see each other due to going to different schools than her. You both decided to meet up at a park in between the schools. On the way there, a vending machine sold a drink you both liked. You decided to buy 1 for her, to congratulate her hard work. You slid in a few coins and selected your drink. You then went on your merry way, thinking about her. You looked around, in your winter jacket and scarf holding on to that drink. The trees shed its leaves and were left with just dark branches in the midst of the grey sky. It was cold, cold enough to shiver but not cold enough to snow. As you came closer to the playground, there she sat on the red swing, her hand gripping on the two chains holding her up. She swung back and forth as she looked around, her legs dangling, kicking at the wood chips. As you approach her, she hears your footsteps crunch the ground.

She leaps out of the swing as she sees you. Her gleeful smile was something that you just couldn't forget, it was so bright and would make your day just thinking about it. You wanted to protect it, indulge in it and in fact, for the first time, you finally became selfish. You wanted that smile to yourself only. She jumps into your arms and snuggles into your chest.

"Come sit with me there."
She cutely points at a bench near the water fountain and on the corner of the playground. She grabs your hand and pulls you towards it. She plops down onto the bench and taps it lightly with her fingertips, signalling for you to sit next to her. As you both look at each other, her red, slightly pink lips open;

"Did you miss me?" She moves her hand close to yours to hold it.

"Of course I did hehe." You grin as her emotions on her face become serious.
"Here, i got this on the way here." You hand her the warm can of coffee.

"Oh thank yuu. Have you been doing well, baby? I've been worried all this time wondering if you've been staying healthy and eating properly." She stutters, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Yes yes, you don't have to worry that much. I'm not a baby, I can feed myself."

"Well last time I came over, all there was laying around was cup noodles and takeout boxes. You need to learn to properly take care of yourself, it makes me worried."

"I mean those cup noodles are pretty good."

"hmm" she groans.

"Are you available today, I will cook something for the both of us."

"I would be delighted." You agreed and acted proper so she wouldn't get mad at you. She exhales. You decide to change the topic to avoid any more of the parenting she was giving.

"Oh, how did the exams go?"

" I did pretty well, I got a 97 average."

"Wa, that's amazing. Well expected from the smartass Hanni."

"yA at least good grades are good things to have. As for you, you better have taken it seriously this time. "

"Don't worry, I managed to scrape by and pass." You unlocked your phone to your photos and showed her your grades.

"Oh ..! You did so well this time, I'm so proud of you." She opened up her arms going for a hug. As you leaned in slowly, she wraps her arms around your chest unexpectedly. She clutched her arms in, hugging you tightly as you reciprocated. The uniform that she wears that looks so great on her. The shuffling of the dress shirt that she wears when you tighten your grip. And the faint smell of perfume that permeates while you put your head around her neck. The cute, white checkered hairband she wears. Her soft, sleek hair that's slightly cold gently touching your cheek. Every single detail about her made you love her so much and you couldn't contain your happiness in that moment. She lays her warm cheek on yours as she leans in to whisper. "You really love being hugged don't you." She giggles sending waves down your body as you melted into her arms.

" She giggles sending waves down your body as you melted into her arms

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