Haerin - One and only

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A/n: If you like my type of writing: request! I try a lot more trust, and it also pushes me to write something. I have like 3 drafts that are 95% done but i cba to finish them cause lazy :3
Also this one's a little too serious idk y 2023 me was doin all that.
wc: 2300
Written: 23/06/29 - 24/01/14

You and Haerin had a secret relationship

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You and Haerin had a secret relationship. Haerin thought that it would be okay as long as no one found out. Even though she was basically just lying to her company, it was fine because she loved you. You guys had your own special rules, she would come over every weekend to stay over as long as you didn't publicly announce you were dating her (obviously), that type of thing. Haerin was usually indulgent with these rules because she wanted to see you so bad but she still tried staying cautious. Heavily disallowing you to see her during the day, but willing to travel the seven seas to see you at night. There was something adorable about Haerin and the way her priorities were so important to her.

Anywho, it was the weekend. She came over early for dinner. You were cleaning up the pots and pans before digging in. Haerin sat at the dinner table, with her head resting on the table.

"Tired?" You wiped your hands on your pants and sat down.

"Yeah." She turned to you. Her cat like eyes staring at you. Eating when you come back to the table.

While you two are eating, you asked her about her day. She had a surprisingly packed schedule for today.

"Hold up, I'm getting a call from my aunt." The phone ringer beeps in the silence as it echoes throughout your apartment.

Your happy demeanour quickly faded. Your eyes jolting around in nervousness as it locks with Haerin's. She looked at you concerned. She put her chopsticks down and stood up slowly. Her steps silently approaching you.

"I see. I-I'll... thank you for telling me." You saw Haerin getting closer, you took her hand and held it dearly.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me too much." You responded to your aunt. Her hands felt soft and smooth, you rubbed her thumb as your fingers interlock.

"I'll be there." You end the call. You look at Haerin.

"What happene-"

"My parents were in a car accident." You cut her off. Her eyes widening with a worried look.

"Oh yn, are-" You kissed her swiftly, but gently. She was taken aback, but gave in after you held her body closer to you.

"I'm sorry Rinnie, I don't really feel like talking about this, let's just finish eating." You sat down silently as she stood in disbelief.

Your dinner ran a little quieter than usual as you tried your best to take your mind of the call. Your words jumbled and your sentences cut short, your best wasn't enough. Haerin was going through it as you were, she concerned herself into your affairs, like usual, and worried about them more than you, like usual. You two cleaned the remaining dishes together.

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