Hanni - rooftop

335 12 0

Wc: 600~
written: 24/03/11-24/04
She's so gf core

Wc: 600~written: 24/03/11-24/04She's so gf coregn!

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"Baby!" Hanni called out to you. She poked at your cheek as she took a picture. Your eyes woke up to Hanni's little polaroid of you two in the back of her phone. Then, she moved her phone away as she smiled down at you.

"Oh you're done..?" You asked, sitting up from the bench while you blinked repeatedly, adjusting to the lights. You turned to the recording studio and saw the lights turn off.

"Yeah, wanna go rooftop with me?" She pulled you up as you hugged her side for support.

"Uhh, y-yeah sure."


The cold breeze ran through your clothes as you opened the door for Hanni. She smiled at you, mumbling a "thank you" as she walked in front. Her small silhouette darkened in front of the beaming lights of the tall buildings of Seoul. Fortunately for you, you had a sweater. But the winds high up on the Hybe building had you clutching onto the side of your arms. You hurriedly walked closer to Hanni, closing onto her warmth as you sat next to her.

"Hey, thanks for coming and waiting for me. I really appreciate it, love." She said in her Australian accent as she kept eye contact with you. You could see the corners of her mouth perk up as her tender hands held yours.

"Huh? oh, yeah, for sure." You gazed at her face. You leaned into the nook of her neck, closing your tired eyes and resting your head on her shoulder. Her little perfume faintly brushing against your nose before being carried away by the wind.

"You didn't have to." Her words entangled in her soft calming voice that you heard.

"I had nothing better to do so.." You responded.

"Hey! you could've pretended that you wanted to do that cause you loved me!" She looked down at you with her judgemental eyes, lightly frowning.

"Oh yeah, I guess that too." You grinned.

She playfully pushed you off of her. You took it one step further by dramatically falling onto the cold concrete roof floor. Pretending you were dead, you laid flat on the floor. Hanni stifled a laugh at you. After a moment, Hanni decided to climb onto you. She whispered:

"You know yn, ever since we got apartments for ourselves as Newjeans, it became really lonely?" She spoke to you as you stared back, listening. You felt her sincere eyes looking down away from your eyes.

"I love my members, but I'm really glad you're around, staying at my home with me yn. I just feel so much better after a work day coming home to you." She didn't usually use your name, though you loved hearing it from her.

"I love you yn, like a lot." She leaned and pressed her lips on yours. You blushed. Your cheeks flaring up when you looked at her wide eyes as she pulled away. She smirked at you.

"I love you too.." You mumbled and smiled. You couldn't hold it in as your lips moved on its own.

"Can i get another?" You asked.

"Another what?" She leaned in closer.

"Oh come on... You know..." She kissed you again, but this time you kissed back. It was short, but it was full of love.

"I love this and everything, but it's really cold. We can do this tomorrow if you want again Hanni.." She looked up, taking a deep breath as she looked at the scenery of the city before looking back towards you.

"Yeah, let's go home."

I got lazy at the end oopsie

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I got lazy at the end oopsie

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