Kazuha - Breakup

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Requested by I-have-rabies 🥺🫶
I think there's a trend of me joining back when seasonal depression hits 😭 anywho based off the sam kim when you fall mv (it's so good) 🥺🥺🥺

Fem!reader x Kazuha
wc: 800
written: 23/10/29-23/10/31

Fem!reader x Kazuhawc: 800written: 23/10/29-23/10/31

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You walked around the park. It's been a while since you got to catch your breath. The little free time you had this time, you walked out. It's a little cold this time around and you wore a puffer. A gift given to you since you tend to be cold when approaching winter. On your way, you found a little stand. It sold juices, warm drinks and other various items.

"One hot coffee please." You murmured to the stand. Giving the man a bill which he returned with a few rusted coins. He started pouring some liquids around. You fiddled with your thumbs, looking at the ground. Your phone buzzed. You slipped your hand in your jacket pocket. Your phone shined with a text message you didn't quite read. Your wallpaper was still the same as back then. A polaroid of Kazuha, lovingly hugging you in the photo booth. You didn't quite know how it happened. Breaking up with Zuha, as you called her, broke your life apart. It wasn't easy moving on, you didn't understand yourself after it. She took good care of you, but you weren't excited in the moment. You thought of moving to new people but Kazuha loved you like no one else. And you couldn't bring yourself to talk to her after that. But how could you? You broke it off and now you want to get back with her?

"Your coffee is ready." Your thoughts broke as you switched to the man, quickly shoving your phone away.

"Thank you, have a great night."

"You too." You walked back around towards your house. The breathe of fresh air definitely calmed you down. You looked down at the road. The sea was close to your house. The salt in the air tickled your nostrils, the wind picked up there.

You continued walking down, the sun setting in the background. You thought to yourself as you took small sips. And switching the cup from hand to hand to avoid getting too cold. You went to a bench, facing the sea. Waves sloshing around under you. You sat next to someone, wanting to just sip your hot coffee. Though she was mumbling to herself things you couldn't quite hear. As the wind blew towards you, a familiar perfume sneaked to your nose, one of delicate flowers. You turned to her. She stared at you with concern in her eyes.

"Kazuha? you don't live anywhere near here though?"

"Sorry yn, i was just.. so out of it... i went here thinking of you.." She took a deep breathe, looking at you deep in the eyes.

"I'll leave, I didn't think we would bump into each other here.." She stood up and quickly walked away with a plant stem in her hand with the petals all ripped out. She dropped the stem while she grew further from you. You looked down to the ground, pink petals scattered across the pavement. Some were older than other, pinker or darker than others, more disheveled than others. But you could definitely tell that she came here often with a new flower each time.

You jolted up, leaving your cup on the bench as you ran after her. You caught up to her, grabbing her by her shoulder.

"Zuha! I wanted to tell you- ah.. hold up..." You tried catching your breath as you looked up to her. Her puffy eyes with small tears trickling down her face. Her hurried face, with a little shock in her eyes. It was all a little awkward as you stared at her just breathing. Her scent washed over you as the adrenaline calmed down.


"Zuha.." You hugged her and snuck into her neck. That perfume you said fit her well while shopping with her one time. She still wore it to this day. You looked at her reluctantly, her eyes staring back at you.

You placed your lips on hers.

She hugged you back, kissing you. You wrapped your arms around her body. Maybe you were being too touchy, maybe it was justified. In any case, Kazuha loved it, she loved all of it.

"I'm so sorry, zuha." You breathed out.

"No it's okay yn, as long as you're back with me." Kazuha smiled with her cheeks and eyes. Her cheeks a little puffed up, only her upper teeth showing as the corners of her mouth perked up.

"I love you yn. Can we be back together..?"

"Yes, i should be the one asking you that." Kazuha giggled at you, hugging you like crazy. Laying her head on your chest. The waves splashed once again on the wall, pushing the sea breeze into you two.

"What did your flower land on?" You asked teasingly.

"She loves me."


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CRINGE CRUNGE o my gawd. Tried staying g!n but too bad.

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