If you were going to bed with le sserafim !

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Notes: the style is a little different this time hope you don't mind !

Sakura : - Despite the I in her mbti, she wasn't shy at all- Very reminiscent of your own mom- She KNOWS when you haven't done your night routine

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Sakura :
- Despite the I in her mbti, she wasn't shy at all
- Very reminiscent of your own mom
- She KNOWS when you haven't done your night routine.
- Repeatedly warns you to floss, brush your teeth and other things while she's sitting, watching anime on the bed and leaning on the bed frame.
- If you try to cuddle with her, she slaps you on the knee
- "Yn, hurry up."
- "But kkura, it takes so loonggg.. How about we cuddle now and forget about it 😁"
- "No."
- "😦"
- You like taking pictures of her when she goes to sleep exhausted, teasing her the next morning because of the way her eyes close
- Throws everything away, even her anime, when you're ready for bed
- Big spoons you and gives you all her attention
- Doesn't like worrying you about her idol things but you can tell when something is troubling her from the way she's nervously playing with her fingers and looking around the room
- it hurts you seeing her like that, so you finish your routine quickly just to ask her about it
- She just ends up hugging your arm really tight and tears up a bit, snuggling in your embrace
- it's like she regresses mentally to a little kid and it's adorable

Chaewon :
- cutie in round glasses
- reads mangas before bed in her pyjamas
- doesn't really say much, she just kinda lets you do whatever you want
- holds your hand and has a habit of squeezing it when the scene gets intense
- rubs your hand after with her thumb cause she feels kind of bad and doesn't say anything about it
- It's so relaxing and calm with her except when eunchae comes in.
- All 3 of you cannot be controlled when you three are in the same room, left alone
- "Chae."
- "What is it"
- "nothing"
- you love looking up at her, she's so endearing
- when she looks back at you and smiles, let's just say your brain overloads
- incredibly sweet, as the leader, she knows how to take care of you+wants to take care of you
- Like if you're thirsty, she insists on grabbing a cup of water for you
- She sings for you before bed with her soothing voice
- Ends in her pulling you closer to her and hugging you with both arms crossed over you.
- Head pats and caressing your hair, mentions that she's proud of you whenever you talk about your life and loves telling you how much you mean to her
- She misses you so much at work, she takes advantage of the time she gets with you to (subtly) shower you with love

Yunjin :
- louD, she talks so much but you love hearing her voice
- It's like she always has something to say
- even though, it's a little embarrassing for her, she gives you little concerts with her guitar
- Recites lyrics she wrote and asks for your opinion on them, seriously considers every thing you say even though you know nothing about writing
- When something is troubling her, she's not the type to feel bad or cry about something to you
- She will rant while you listen next to her and sometimes when she gets really frustrated, the ranting doesn't stop
- again asking for your opinion on the matter, but you couldn't keep up with what she was saying so you just agreed with her and pat her on the back or something
- "right??? and there was this other time-"
- "alright unnie let's go to bed, aren't you tired from uh, that thing happening."
- "oh yeah i guess, come here darling."
- although rare, when you feel off about something, she's always there to comfort
- amazing at comforting ?!
- you're so precious to her, she actually gets mad when anything bad happens to you
- anywho, other than that, you two love having late night conversations
- Ranges from love messages to her career
- plays with your hair while talking
- she loves showing/giving you affection in corny ways even though it makes you cringe a lot
- "I want to kiss you so bad hihi"
- "ew what are you even saying"
- after a certain time at night, she converts to lame jokes
- You always seem to laugh at her jokes too
- That's why the fims dubbed you two as "dumb and dumber"

Kazuha :
- She loves having the blinds open, she's incredibly fond of the moonlight.
- She often comes home late from working hard, not being able to see you to sleep. But the moon's there, revealing your sleeping figure, that's why she loves the moonlight so much.
- She grabs your arm and puts it over herself, so she can cuddle up next to you
- Even though you're asleep, she never forgets to tell you "goodnight yn, sweet dreams."
- When she has a day off, you two are the exact definitions of lovey dovey couples in bed
- Staring at each other's eyes, giggling and forehead kisses
- She loves telling funny stories that happened with her members
- In these situations, she's too shy to initiate skinship so it's always you bringing her in to cuddle
- Definition of pure and innocence, she was so nervous and shy when you first came over to sleepover
- To this day she's still shy and blushes around you
- She's mysterious, like she never talks about herself and always follows what's happening in your life
- In reality, she just really wants to know if you're doing well
- In rare occasions, she will go to hug you first.
- The blush in her face, the way she does it without saying anything and how she slowly wraps her arms around you to make sure you're comfortable; it's all so adorable
- Of course you have to tease her about it and she can't do anything but pout at you

Eunchae :
- No matter how much you love her, you hate sleeping in the same room as her
- She's so annoying 😭😭
- Does anything to piss you off, teasing and mocking included
- But, she never takes them too far and she knows you don't take her too seriously
- loves that about you, how you always play along with her
- conversations with her are random too
- talks about how her members take care of her a lot and wanting to give back
- shows you how much of a good kid she is
- Sometimes you two have those serious moments too
- vents to you because she knows you're her safe place ❤️
- cries often because of any mistake she makes and you are always there for her
- " hey yn, look at this"
- But you shouldn't let your guard down, she has a trove of pictures of you in ungodly hours, even has a video of you snoring because you were overworked that day
- at the end of the day though, she loves you so much
- hangs onto you like a koala when you two sleep
- very weak to your loving words and actions so you should be careful saying things like "i love you."
- malfunctioned once completely when she had a really bad day and you said: "Dream of me when you go to sleep, I'll be there to comfort you there too." as you caressed her hand with your tired voice.
- Made her cry even more as she crashed into your body, hugging you like her life was on the line
- "Eunchae are you okay??"

- Made her cry even more as she crashed into your body, hugging you like her life was on the line- "Eunchae are you okay??"

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idk why this one is so long the ideas kept on coming bro
Imma try to update more

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