Yena - Street Vendor

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Written: 23/02/08
Words: 1300

A vendor from walking distance from your dinky apartment sold these amazing little varied snacks ranging from candy to a mini sized bowl of delicious rice and fish cake

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A vendor from walking distance from your dinky apartment sold these amazing little varied snacks ranging from candy to a mini sized bowl of delicious rice and fish cake. There was the usual you always get. A stick, with a sausage, potatoes and cheese. You didn't really know what it was but, it looked visually tasty and smelled of warm, fried food. It was enough for one person but you would always come here and share with Yena. It was something special that only you two would do as a couple. This made the old shopkeeper happy and she always got the biggest ones for both of you.

It was cold in your house and thinking of warmth, that moment of you and Yena shared comforted you. You decided to go. You grabbed your keys and jacket and ran out the door. You giggled to yourself thinking of Yena. You had one bill on you, just the right amount.

"Ah if only Yena was here." You voiced out, panting. Running across the street, in your sweatpants Yena got for you. They were comfortable, they didn't chafe and the inside was a soft lining inside. This park was right across from your house and lead directly to the vendor on this beautiful path with the dead trees and delayed moonlight. You played playful music in your headphones. You tried humming the tune but doing it at the same time as running wasn't exactly easy. You closed your eyes feeling the breeze, it was a nice feeling. All week, you were stressed because of work and you finished late today, but it was also the last of the project you'll ever see. It spanned over 3 weeks as you rigorously stayed overtime at work, you missed Yena yea, but it would all be worth it in the end. It gave you a boost and seeing Yena again made you happy. You had something to look forward to, so you kept going. As you opened your eyes, you smiled looking up to the sky.

"Augh!" You cried. You tripped and fell on a pebble that was a little too big.

"Fuck this pebble.? No. Fuck you rock !>:(" You stood up, you dusted your pants before rubbing your hands together. You picked up your phone that fell out your pocket. It landed screen first onto the floor, cracking it. The phone woke as you raised it facing you. It displayed the photo of you and Yena cheek to cheek. 

"Ugh, now I have to get a screen replacement." You decided to walk the rest of the way. You took a deep breath, at least the air was nice out.

You approached the end of the path with a big road reaching from left to right. Near the sidewalk on the grass, there stood the food stall. There stood two figures, buying from the stall as well. You walked over there, reaching in your pocket for the bill. You looked down your pockets, shuffling your hands around the body, not feeling the bill.

"Ah, other pocker." You felt the paper texture on your fingertips as you sweeped the pocket. You looked up, ready to order and then you see Yena, and your best friend Chaewon?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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