Chapter 25

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We already started WASSCE and today, Home management practical was going on. Not that I care though, our physics was going to be on Tuesday and Maths the following week. My time table was packed and I was burning my midnight candle.

I looked up from my past questions and my eyes locked with Mike's. He was just entering the class. The only thing I loved about this period, is we get to read on our own, no teachers. I went back to my books.

He walked straight to my chair, and pulled some chairs together. I was waiting for him to bring his own books out to study but then he dropped his bag on my desk and lay on my laps.

I tried my best not to jerk from the close contact. But when he didn't say anything for sometime, I looked down and found his eyes shut.

"What are you doing?" I asked and He opened one eye and then the other lazily and stared at me.

My breath hitched a little because we were this close, I mean he was literally on my laps people.

"I'm trying to catch some sleep." He said before shutting his eyes again.

"On my laps?"

"It's comfortable, now hush. I really need to rest." He replied softly that I barely heard him.

I placed my palm on his forehead to check his temperature, it was strange for him to be quiet like this. Normally he would tease me, or say something cheesy or just be noisy.

"I'm alright my black beauty" He whispered with his eyes still closed.

"Wake me up when school is over. Probably with a kiss on the lips eeh?"

Yeah he's alright I rolled my eyes and focused on my book. After I had had enough of the distraction, I let my eyes stray down to him. As if I was going to concentrate with Mike on my laps.

I traced his eyebrows lightly and then the bridge of his nose. He was so handsome and if you had told me years ago, I would be this close at all to him, I would never had believed you.

My eyes stopped at his lips and I wondered how it would be like for him to I know that Mike had been with other girls, I remember there was a rumour about him and Chinaza. A girl in art class and I've seen them kiss, it was one of the worst moments
of my life. Story for another day.

So I wonder why he hadn't kissed me yet. I wanted him to and it's almost getting to a year since we became a couple. Save from pecks on the cheeks and forehead, nothing else.

I wasn't complaining but I guess I wanted more. My finger trailed to his ear and his hair. And finally I touched his lips, it was a ghost of a touch rather, so lightly. When I moved my hand, Mike let out a breath. Like he had been holding it in. And it dawned on me, he was awake. My God.

"Don't stop, go ahead." I heard him say, and when
I didn't say anything, he opened his eyes

"Don't stop." he repeated and closed his eye.
I placed my hand on his hair and stroked it gently.

"You should be sleeping already."

"Like I can ever sleep with you doing that to me."

"What am I doing?" I asked him my finger
moving to his ear.

Before he could answer, a junior student came up with this fancy food flask and interrupted. Great!

"Senior Mike?" Mike got up reluctantly and nodded, giving her permission to talk.

"Senior Chidimma Obi, said to give you this. It's jollof rice and salad. They just finished their Home management practical." She said.

I rolled my eyes. Are you joking me? I looked at Mike and waited for his reply. If he dares to even think of taking that, I'm calling it off.

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