Chapter 5

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Side character


Is he really worthy to be a someone to Minji? Or was he just another side character who's meant to lose and be hurt? Well, today kinda answered his questions.

This day was really, well, annoying might be the word to explain it. Ever since she had introduce him to Yejun, they've been hanging out, like eating lunch together at the cafeteria. But he doesn't feel like they were. It was most likely Yejun and Minji.

He felt out of place, like a puzzle that tries to fit in with them, but they seem to be in different world together. They were talking endlessly, teasing and laughing, while he just listen and trail off behind.

He wasn't sure if he was happy with this, that he can see Minji very often everyday, but she was with Yejun, and it was annoying the heck out of him. Especially when he would glanced at him time to time when he made her laugh, as if he's doing it intentionally to make him jealous.

Infact it did make him jealous. That's why the next day, he isn't going lunch with them.

As what he promised yesterday, he wasn't going lunch with them. He felt like a destruction to a cute developing love story between the both of them, and went at his sanctuary, which is the park.

He sat there, legs crossed and a notepad and ballpen in his hand, his eyebrows connected as he try to write something.

These days, his mind was a mess. He couldn't think of anything but the past events that happened this past few days, and it was pulling him away of his wide vocabulary of writing a new poem.

Speaking of poem, he still hasn't given it to her yet. Such a coward. He thought.

Just as then, he felt a presence besides him, taking a seat but he didn't look immediately, knowing pretty well who used a strawberry perfume.

"Hey Shinwon." She started, in a whisper.

He slowly looked at her but he couldn't plaster a smile for her.

"I'm sorry, did I disturb you?" She asked kindly.

"No." Shinwon lied, staring straight, not looking at her.

"Okay." And it went silent for awhile before she spoke again. "I was actually looking for you earlier. And Yejun said he saw you heading here."

She looked at him before continuing.
"I guess that you haven't eaten lunch yet."

"I... I actually have." Shinwon said, pupils wavering as he tried to stare straight ahead.

"Oh, it's fine. I guess you're still upset about the basketball incident." She sigh, looking down on her lap.

"No, I'm fine." Shinwon said, a different tone in his voice, a little too strong than he usually does. "It's just, I need some time alone..."

"Right." She nodded, still visible that she was a little upset, when her eyes suddenly landed on the notepad he's holding, "You're writing poems right now?"

"Oh? Ah yes, I am." Shinwon held the notepad tightly.

"Can I read some of them?" She suddenly pleaded, eyes sparkling like a kid who wants candy, and Shinwon couldn't take it, his chest suddenly tighten when he felt like he stopped breathing.

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