chapter I (the begining)

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     Hi! My name is Vrochi and in this Book I will be the narrator. When it  happened I remember that was a sunny day! It was like some days before the inccident Romania sent Bulgaria a message to meet him at the park to have a walk together, so Bulgaria knowing her simping friend sayd that it was a special date or something so she did what every girl do when going on a date. That means get ready >:]

    I can't describe how beautiful she was with a cute little dress who's color was a red like a roze in the sun and some slippers with heels that were black as ebony. As soon as she got done she sent a message back that was asking at exactly what park to meet, there were a lot of parks in a country anyways.

    As soon as she arrived at that specific park she started to look for Romania, she looked left, she looked right but he didn't was aniwere!

    Bg🇧🇬:няма начин да се е върнал у дома, той не е такъв!
     (there's no way he went back home, he's not that type!)
         said with a sad tone.

      Some people just stopped from what they were doing and asked her if she was allright! Can you believe it!? Romania is not a big of a gentleman if you ask me.

     But just then, she saw someone with black hair, of course a lot of people had black hair but every happy thought helps in this situation. Oh well- it wasn't him but- it was a familiar face and the person looked exactly like Romania! but, a girl? Bulgaria looked closely and saw a boy next to her he didn't looked calm, the face expression was frustrated he looke at his phone like if he wanted to text someone but didn't had the courage or didn't know what to write.

    The two of them were taller then the average height of a person so the must be country's so Bulgaria went closer and wen she arived,

   Bg🇧🇬:Румъния!!!  знаеш ли откога те чакам!?!!  Мислех, че си тръгнал!?!  а коя е тя?!?
         (Romania!!!  do you know how long I've been waiting for you!?!!  I thought you left!?!  and who is she?!?)
   But before Romania could speak Bulgaria started again

  Bg🇧🇬:Молдова?!!!?!  какво прави тя тук?!!!!  няма ли да ходим на среща?!?!!  и какво ти е с дрехите?!?!  носиш ли ежедневните си дрехи?!?!
      (Moldova?!!?!  what is she doing here?!!!!  aren't we going on a date?!?!!  and what's with your clothes?!?!  are you wearing your everyday clothes?!?!)

    Balkan girls am I right? always making drama.

     Moldova was just staying there still not feeling anything but Romania by the other side was red like a tomato after she saw Bulgaria and then, he just faithed like a wirdo-

   And then started laughing hardly

      Bulgaria wanted to help but remembered that Romania was doing something on his phone so she took it-

After she put the password (it was easy to figure it a long time ago) it was on the conversation with her and the message was started about how can they found each other because he didn't make it in time, so Bulgaria closed the phone, put it on the groung next to him and went for the closest bench and sat there until Moldova would stop laughing and Romania would get up.

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