chapter III ("him")

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RO🇷🇴:Da. Este ceva... Păi de când am fost mic am început să-
(Yes. It is something... Well from when I was little I started to-)

But again itrerupted.

MD🇲🇩:Am venit!!
(I came!!)

RO🇷🇴:Moldova!! Ce mai faci!!!
(Moldova!! How are you doing!!!)

What happend? Romania just left Bulgaria with the question without the answer? Its strange... Romania never does that...

RO🇷🇴:Scuze Bulgaria trebuie sa mergem acasă- adică eu trebuie să plec acasă- voi mai puteți sta dacă vreți, a intervenit ceva, și înainte să plec aj vrea să vorbesc puțin cu Moldova dacă nu te superi.
(Sorry Bulgaria we need to go home- I mean that I need to go home- you can stay if you want, something happened, and before I will go I would like to talk a little with Moldova if you don't mind.)

BG🇧🇬:но-ти си у дома.
(but-you are home.)

RO🇷🇴::Mă refeream la București apoi în Suceava ști că toate prostiile se întâmplă în Suceava
(I meant Bucharest and then in Suceava you know all sort of stupid stuff is going on in Suceava)

MD🇲🇩:Da! Ohaio-ul României
(Yes! The Ohio of Romania)


Said Romania with a annoyed voice


RO🇷🇴:Vino puțin...
(Come a little)

Said Romania to Moldova. They went away like 5 meters from Bulgaria, and then Romania said:

RO🇷🇴:Lam văzut din nou...
(I saw him again...)

MD🇲🇩:păi, nu e așa de rău cât timp nu poate să facă nimic... Nui așa?
(Well is not that bad if he can't do anything... Right?

RO🇷🇴:Păi da, dar încă mă stresează chestia asta, mai ales că este în țara mea, ce face EL. aici?
(well yea, but I am still stressed about this, especially because he is in my country, what is HE. doing here?)

MD🇲🇩:Nuți face de grij va fi bine...
(don't worry it will be allright...)

RO🇷🇴:chestia este că Bulgaria suspectă ceva și nu vreau să o bag în asta
(The thing is that Bulgaria suspects something and I don't want to get her into it)

MD🇲🇩:E Dulceața ta nu trebuie să îți faci griji de asta
(She's your jam you don't need to worry about it)

Giving Romania a pat on his back

Don't ask about it. That's how my mother talk with my brother when its about hes girlfriend "jam"😋

RO🇷🇴:a să mă gândesc la asta
(I will think about it)

Romania waves at Bulgaria and leaves, then Moldova comes to her and sat down

BG🇧🇬:Мисля, че Румъния вече не ме обича...
(I think Romania doesn't love me anymore...)

MD🇲🇩:...De ce spui asta?...
(...Why are you saying that?...)

BG🇧🇬:той не ми вярва...
(he doesn't trust me...)

MD🇲🇩:sunt sigură să este alt ceva
(I am sure is something else)

BG🇧🇬:говорил ли си с него за това?
(you talked with him about this?)

MD🇲🇩:...Să spunem...
(...let's say...)

BG🇧🇬:сигурен ли си, че не става дума за мен?
(are you sure is not about me?)

MD🇲🇩:sunt sigură
(I am sure)

After that the girls talked a little and than both left to they're home's Bulgaria still felling a little weird.

Sorry this was a little short but I couldn't think of anything for this chapter :'>

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