Chapter XI (HIM!?!?)

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°•.Moldova🇲🇩 POV.•°

Everything is driving me crazy! Phones ringing documents to deal with! I wonder when it will end...

*phone ringing*


Ilfov then took the phone and talked a little and then said.

Ilfov🇷🇴: Sunt prieteni tăi, sunt îngrijorați și vreau să petreceți timp împreună
(They are your friends, they are worried and wanted to spend time together)

Moldova🇷🇴🇲🇩: Cine?

Ilfov🇷🇴: Grecia, Serbia și Bulgaria
(Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria)

Moldova🇷🇴🇲🇩: Spunele că îmi pare rău dar nu pot veni
(Tell them I am sorry but I can't come)

I said in a rush trying to get to the door to go to a other room. But out of a sudden someone entered

Moldavia🔴: ok destul! Trebuie să iei o pauza!
(ok enough! You need to take a rest!)

It was papa in his big form

Moldova🇷🇴🇲🇩: dar tata-
(But papa-)

Moldavia🔴: Ilfov zile ca vine
(Ilfov tell them she's coming)

Ilfov🇷🇴: O-ok-

Moldavia🔴:A so iau eu deaici. Valachia poate se va supăra, dar numi pasă amu. Merji. Șî. Distreazăte.
(I'm gonna take it for now. Wallachia may get mad, but I don't care about it right now. Go. And have. Fun.)

Moldova🇷🇴🇲🇩: dar- nu pot pur și-
(But- I can't just le-)

Moldavia🔴: îmi răspunzi cumva?
(are you taking back?)

Moldova🇷🇴🇲🇩: n-nu

Moldavia🔴: ok atunci mergi.
(OK then go.)

I don't know what happened but he took the documents I was holding and kicked me out of the room

I got out of the palace of Parliament and they were already outside

Bulgaria🇧🇬: МОЛДОВА!! ТУК СИ! Имам предвид- съжалявам...
(MOLDOVA!! YOUR HERE! I mean- sorry...)

Moldova🇷🇴🇲🇩: Nuți fă di grij știu căi greu săți reamintești... Strigămă doar Moldova! Dar dacă nu te deranjează, ești în regulă cu- ști tu- încidentul?
(don't worry I know its hard to keep in mind that... Just call me Moldova! but if you don't mind me asking, are you alright with- you know- the incident?)

Bulgaria🇧🇬: Ако имаш предвид тялото ми, тогава то става по-добро всеки ден, но психически... аз- не знам...
(If you mean my body then its getting better each day, but mentally... I- don't really know...)

There were some second of dead silence... And I know what was everyone thinking of... I really miss him... Then the silence broke

Greece🇬🇷: Ξέρεις, πρέπει να σπάσουμε αυτή την κακή διάθεση με ένα ποτό!
(You know, we shude brake this bad mood with a drink!)

Serbia🇷🇸: Иеа! Треба да гледамо у будућност! Хајдемо у ресторан!
(Yea! We shude look in the future! Let's get to a restaurant!)

Moldova🇷🇴🇲🇩: mda... Hai...
(Yea... Let's go...)

So we went to the nearest restaurant that had sits outside and order some drinks I order my favorite, being jin (wine) Bulgaria took a smoothly Serbia a brandy and Greece when with a random beer

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