Chapter IV (a little explication from Romania about kids)

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It was the day of the party that Spain was hosting. Nothing was gonna stop that right?
.•°Romania🇷🇴 POV:°•.

°~•București, Romanian's house•~°



Ro🇷🇴:De ce nu îți place?!
(Why won't you like it?!)


Md🇲🇩: N-ui di parcă n-ai purtat niși-o dată o rochie
(Its not like you've never worn a long skirt before)

Bg🇧🇬:Направих го, но това е прекалено изискано
(I did but this is just too fancy)

Md🇲🇩:atunci hai odată să plecăm că nu mai ajungem
(then let's go we will be late)

They started to be anoyng but I couldn't wait for the party! Like a Slav? At a party hosted by a Latin? I never seen that, I am actually surprised that Spain let her come, the only Slav that I have seen at one of this party's was Russia but of course we kinda put the drinks away and lied to him that there aren't any now I think we will not see him anymore because of you know, but I don't really care right now. Me and Moldova your asking? We started to get control over this, is something "In our blood" but of course we are still the ones who drinks the most, we stop only wen we get a little drunk, but believe me IT'S HARD AS FUCK!!

While the girls went in the car I went to get a goodbye from my parents, of cours I needed to do it alone so the others can't found about them, this is more of a situation of "if you konw, you know". Do I need to tell why? Ugh... Ok... So!

We all already know the country's can't make baby's by sex, ok? so here comes the stork (yes, them)

when the country needs to take over the country the storks come from the beginning or from the middle of the caountry parent era. Then, went the perent dies the kid takes over, we can take France as example but we all know she killed her mother-

The same is with the collapse of a country, and as example we have USSR she died and the childre took over. For USSR the stork came just with Russia
I. Can't. Let people think the Moldova is her child like that.

Same is with dividing I could give you a better example but here I want to take Moldova. Moldavia which is our father before the unification a long time ago, more specific in 1800 had my beoutifule older sister but then the Russians took it... Again, more specific, the Russian Empire... Well we can say she found a way...


I don't know how many cases I left out but now I remember only three.

When the country gets adopted, is the same like the first but the storks come a bit later, we all heard of the children of USSR.

The colonies can be the same like adopting but the adoptive parents stay till they die while the acctualy parents die, the best example, America.

And finnaly! My case! The unification! At these tipes of county's the storks come at the exactly date. We don't really have a childhood we have it up in the sky's and its acctualy boring if there is not a other country that is waiting for a unification to happen... We are the only ones that remember how that place looks like after we come we allredy take the throne, and the parents, how do I say it... They transform in a little flying country that stays there just in case, and to help the new ones that took over. And another example we can take the United Kingdom.

That took a while but that doesn't matter let's took it as a time stop.

Ro🇷🇴: Sărutmâna tată, Sărutmâna tata! Merg la Spania
(Goodbye father. Goodbye dad! I am going to Spain's)

Moldavia🔴: Nu putem să venim și noi?
(Can't we come too?)

Walachia⚪: Dăle copiilor o pauză, poți?
(give the kids a break will you?)

Moldava🔴: Ști că te urasc câteodată
(you know, I hate you sometimes.)

Transylvania🔵: Păi e bine să auzim asta, acum mergi România noi a să așteptăm aici.
(Well good to hear, now go Romania we will wait here.)

Ro🇷🇴: Uh... Bine! Pa!!
(uh... Ok! Bye!!)

Transylvania🔵: larevedere scumpete
(Bye dear!)

Walachia⚪: Să nu bei mult!
(Don't drink to much!)

Then father came to me REALY FAST

Moldavia🔴: Ai grijă de TINE, și MOLDOVA mai auzit?
(take care of YOU, and MOLDOVA you hear me?)

Ro🇷🇴: Ști că meteu fac asta nu?
(you know I always do right?)

Moldavia🔴:Mda... Știu...
(yea... I know...)

While I went to the door I heard father saying something like the other time the others didn't listen to him or something like that, I didn't understand but dad and mom burst out laughing saying that is nothing...

Maybe I need to be more careful... But I at least have someone that is always there, she could warn me if something really happens...



Dad: Walachia
Father: Moldavia
Mom: Transylvania

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