Chapter VI (vals)

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.•°Bulgaria🇧🇬 POV:°•.

I didn't like it. He knows I don't like people when they lie. But- I want to see how far he goes and were! so I played dumb

Bg🇧🇬:Какво е валс?
(what's a waltz?)

Ok- maybe that's a little too dumb-

Ro🇷🇴: Ce dracu? Nu ști ce naiba e ăla vals?
(What the hell? You don't know what's a fucking waltz?)

Bg🇧🇬: шегувах се! Разбира се, че знам какво е това, не бъди глупав
(I was joking! Of course I know what's that, don't be silly)

Ro🇷🇴:Oh ce trist... credeam că trebuie să te învăț eu, ar fi fost o amintire foarte bună
(Oh how sad... I thought I needed to teach you, it would of been a beoutifule moment to remember)


I could of already think of the times that he will be like "you remember the time I teach you to dance? I know I am a expert, you don't need to thank me" only the thought makes me want to slap him but I'm not doing that knowing fully well I can put him on the ground with only a kiss

He got up and give me his hand saying

Ro🇷🇴: Îmi acorzi acest dans?
(Will you give me this dance?)

Bg🇧🇬: Не мога да го отрека, нали?
(I can't deny it can I?)

Ro🇷🇴: Păi... dacă nu vrei... putem să nu dansăm...
(Well... If you don't want to... We won't dance...)

Dam that smile disapired like the bread on his plate! I saw his red eyes just going down, looking at the flor, I didn't know he would do that like a little baby

Bg🇧🇬: Нямах предвид това скъпи! Разбира се, че искам!
(I didn't mean that honey! Ofcoure I want to!)

I took his hand and take him to the center. I love how he dance! Its just beoutiful! 1, 2, 3 left, right, left... When the music was about to end for a minute we stoped... It was beautiful, HE was beautiful... And hot!

The music started again but at that moment we make a strong eye contact and stayd like that. His red eyes were glowing, my eyes started to hurt a little but just couldn't go any were else! they were focused at him.

I was still thinking about what he was thinking. knowing him, it was something BIG! But now he was more lost then me, what a simp!

We danced and danced till he stopped and said

Ro🇷🇴: Sti ce ar fi amuzant?
(You know what would be fun?)

Bg🇧🇬: Какво?

Ro🇷🇴: Dacă mergem afară?
(What if we go out side?)

Bg🇧🇬:Но- не ни е позволено-
(But- we aren't allowed-)

Ro🇷🇴: Da știu dar când am urmat noi regurile astea stupide?
(Yea I know but when did we played by these stupid rules?)

I mean... He has a point but I wanted to not make a bad impreson to the latin- WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE?!!!


Is he wanting to see if I'm still in "me"? THOSE STOPID LATINOS really wanted to change me! I won't do that... So this was my change to show them that I am not manipulated!

(I'm in!)

Ro🇷🇴: Bine atunci hai să mergem odată!
(Ok then let's fucking go!)

He took my hand and we started sneaking outside. We of course success the mission, I have here the god of stealing right? He's super sneky! When we arrived, it was beoutiful there! it was like a proposing will be done here

We dance, we laught, I don't what was so special here that we weren't allawed!

Every second was like in a paradise! sometimes I just couldn't leave those red eyes... I don't get to see him very much at night so I'm not really used when he's a actually in the fully vampire form, but- I still don't understand how those wings levitates like- they don't even touch his back, so I asked!

Bg🇧🇬:Какво става с крилете ти?
(What's up with your wings?)

Ro🇷🇴: La ce te referi?
(What do you mean?)

Bg🇧🇬: Искам да кажа, че те не докосват гърба ти
(I mean that they aren't touching your back)

Ro🇷🇴: Oh! Nici eu nu știu
(Oh! I don't know neither)

Bg🇧🇬: Можеш ли дори да летиш с тях?
(Can you even fly with them?)

Ro🇷🇴: Păi... Vrei să încerci?
(Well... Want to try?)

Bg🇧🇬: Какво да опитам?
(What to try?)

Ro🇷🇴: Să zbori! Desigur!
(To fly! Of course!)

Bg🇧🇬:имам предвид...
(I mean...)

Romania then got off the bench and in a second his wings grow bigger! I was like Whaaaa... When then he gave me his hand waiting me to take it. I could berely see him, all I could see is his glowimg red eyes!

So... I took it!

He then piked me up softly in his arms... It was warm... Then he started flying in a more of a one spot, but it was magic... He was so gentile...

We staid there some minutes in the air we didn't need talking we already knew what we were thinking, it was so soft I would literally fall asleep in his hands... There... Up in the air... He then kissed me! I didn't know what to do so I kissed him back what was supposed to be a little kiss was now a 30 second one

But...he started going down... And down... And down... Till we reach the grownd... and put me down... I didn't know how to say to him that I want back! Up there! But it seamed he already knew...

He took my both hands... We stared at eachother for some seconds, but then... It happened!

With a knee to the grownd...

Ro🇷🇴: Bulgaria... Știu ca sau întãmplat chesti în trecut... Eram dușmani... Ne făceam rău unul altuia..... Dar.... Nu știu dacă mai pot trăi fără tine... Îmi faci ca focul din mine să ardă mai tare, și mai tare! Nu orea știu ce să spun dar... Scurt...)
(Bulgaria... I know things happened in the past... We were enemy's... We hurt each other..... But..... I think I can't live without you anymore... You make the fire in me stronger, and stronger! I don't really know what to say but... Short...)

He got a little box from his bocket, and said with it directed towards me...

Ro🇷🇴: Bulgaria... Vrei să-
(Bulgaria... Do you want to-)


Hahaha!! Got you again!! Chapter 6 (Vals) complete!🤭🤭🤭 what do you think he wanted to say to Bulgaria?🤔🤔🤔
Your gonna find out in Chapter 7!😜😜😜

Nahhhh I maked Bulgaria a simp over some red vampire eyes🤣🤣🤣

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