|Chapter 5|

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I finished school and than I made my way home I didn't have a car because I rode with Xavier, I didn't want to bother him so I walked home.

I walked into the house and I was greeted by my mother.

"Hi sweetheart, how was your day at school?"

"It was fine mom, how was yours?" I ask her.

"It was fine, dinner will be finished shortly, why don't you get washed up." She said smiling.

I headed upstairs and placed my bag onto my chair I had in the corner I took off my shoes, grabbed some sleepers and went to take a shower.

When I entered the bathroom I glanced into the mirror and noticed red spots all over my body.

I sighed and giggled at what had happened at school in the library of all places.

I couldn't believe I lost my virginity, I wanted to someone but I'm not close with anyone besides Xavier.

15 minutes later

After I finished finished my shower I headed downstairs to see mom placing dinner onto the table, I didn't see dad yet so I assumed he hadn't came home.

Mom and I went ahead and started eating instead of waiting on dad, I finished my food a bit quickly excused myself and headed upstairs back to my room.

Mom and I haven't talked much since what had happened yesterday, it didn't bother me I just didn't understand what mom had ment by he was 'bad news'.

Even Xavier agreed with her, and said he was bad for me and that I should listen to mom, but I didn't wanna believe it was true, if it actually was,
I shook the thought away and drifted off to sleep.

1 week later
Also 9:00pm

It's been week since Xavier contacted me, he hasn't been in school all week and I haven't seen his car in his driveway either.

The thoughts of me giving up my virginity to him was a huge mistake, "Did he just fuck me because he knew I never had sex before?" "Was I really just a quick fuck?" I began over thinking everything.

I hears a car door slam I quickly ran to my window and peeped out, it was Xavier. He rushed into his house, it seemed he had to grab something.

I quickly changed into jeans and a over sized hoodie, I stuck on my shoes grabbed my phone and snuck out.

I made sure no one heard me and I quickly and quietly ran over to Xavier's car, I quietly opened the back door and sunk into the bottom floor board.

I turned my sound and brightness down on my phone, so he wouldn't catch me.

A few minutes had passed and Xavier finally came out of his house he had a black duffle bag in his hands and he walked over to the trunk and placed it inside.

He closes the trunk and makes his way to the driver seat he gets in reaches into his glove department and pulls out a gun, he checks how may bullets are inside of it, he cocks it back. Which means it's ready to fire.

"What kind of teenager has a gun in their glove department!?" I say to myself.

Xavier backs out of the driveway and gets a phone call, he answers it.

"Hello...yeah I'm on my way now...."

"You guys ready?" He asks.

"What the fuck is happening?" I ask myself

"Just stand by, we can't afford to loose anyone tonight, okay." He says before hanging up the phone.

20 Mintues Later

We arrive to some place 20 minutes later, Xavier got out of the car made his way to the trunk and grabbed the duffel bag, he than made his way inside the building.

I waited a few minutes before I got out. I exited the car stretched my legs and checked my surroundings and to see if my phone would give me a location.

But there was completely no service

"Shit!" I to myself.

I look around and notice the place Xavier went to seemed to be some abandoned factory, I quietly went inside and tried to find where exactly Xavier had went I heard voices Xavier's and some other males.

I got closer so I could get a visual of what was happening, there were 6 guy's in total in there and they all had guns, this guy had brought 6 guys meanwhile Xavier was by himself.

"Did you bring it?" The guy who had been in front of the other 5 guys behind him asked Xavier.

"Yeah I do." Xavier said throwing the duffel bag onto the floor, instead of handing it to the guy.

"It's all there just like you asked." Xavier said to the guy in front of him.

"Check it." The man said to one of his men, one ran to the duffel bag picked it up opened it and checked inside.

It was money the duffel bag was filled with money.

Why would Xavier owe these type of people money? they look like gangsters, they seemed dangerous.

"It's all here boss." The man with the duffel bag said.

"Good, grab it." The guy with the suit on said.

"Get rid of him." The gut in the suit said.

I gasped at the thought of Xavier being shot and I witnessing it, I quickly covered my mouth making sure I wasn't heard.

"I thought you'd say that." Xavier said.

"NOW LIAM!" Xavier shouted.

It all happened to fast, Xavier pulled out his gun and shot the man in the suit, Liam and a few other guys I recognized from school all came out of no where, and started fighting with other 6 guys.

I couldn't watch anymore I snuck out of there as quickly and quietly as I could hoping not to get seen.

As soon as I made it out of the building I ran, I didn't get back in Xavier's car I ran until I got enough bars to call an Uber.

"What, the fuck did I just witness!?"
"Xavier just shot that man without hesitation."
"Mom was right I shouldn't have gotten involved with him he is most definitely bad news."

"Miss where are you headed?" My thoughts were interrupted by the Uber driver.

"Oh I'm sorry."  I said gaving him my address, I asked to be dropped off a block away from my house so my parents don't hear a car door close.

I walked home, constantly replaying what I had seen in my head.

I made it to the front door, quietly closed the door, and rushed upstairs into my bedroom I shut my door walked to my window and locked it.

I didn't trust Xavier anymore, after what I had seen, I was scared he'd kill me as well, I should've listened to mom when she told me to stay away.

End of Chapter 5

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