Chapter 27

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Lukes p.o.v

I was at the hospital. I opened my eyes and saw michael, Niall, ashton, and harry. "Whats going on?" I asked confused.

It was silent for a moment.

"You got hit by a drunk driver. The doctor said you'll be fine so you'll be discharged today." Harry said looking down. "Well thats great but umm..... Wheres Calum he should be here. Did he leave already?"

Michael sniffed and ashton ran over to him. I then realize what might have happened. I was shocked in horror "oh no no is he.... Is he DEAD!?!?!??" I asked.

"No but the doctor said he is in critical condition so they dont know if he'll make it."

I got up.

Michael p.o.v

We saw luke get up and head out the door. Then came back "What room is he in?" He asked. We laughed.

I got up and guided him outside calums room. "They wont let anyone go in yet." I told him. So we waited outside, looking at calum through the window. He looked miserable.

We waited for about 20 minutes. The doctor came out of calums room to tell us whats wrong. "Well calum had a fractured skull, a huge scar that started from his waist all the way down to his leg. But what we really want to focus on is that during the crash a piece of glass was stabbed in his chest, centimeters away from his heart."

Luke and i looked at each other in distress.

"He might not be able to make it but we will do whatever we can."

I felt my stomach turn and I ran to the restroom. I threw up everything. I guess baby calum is worried too. I rubbed my stomach "dont worry daddy well be all right. He wouldnt leave without seeing you."

I heard the door open "michael are you in here?" Harry asked. "Yea just morning sickness." I answered. He looked at me and laughed "Ew gross."
"Shut up"

"Anyway the guys are leaving, you comin' ?"

"What about calum?"

"Dont worry we'll skip school tomarrow so we can see him."


We left the hospital and ashton had drop everyone home. They kept talking like nothing happened. Like calum couldnt die tonight..... Like he could get a chance to see his child. My thoughts ended when we arrived at my house. "Thanks for the ride"

I opened the door relieved to see my mom on the couch "welcome home mickey. Is luke and calum alright?" She asked. I sat beside her. Explaining luke was easy was the easy part but when it came to calum I choked. "Whats the matter sweatheart?" My throat felt clogged. "Calum is in critical condition and he might d-die..." I managed to let it out.
My mum pulled me into a huge bear hug. We sat there is silence till i fell asleeep.

Next morning at the hospital
Lukes p.o.v

We made it to the hospital waiting for news about calum. Michael clinging to my arm as we wait. He's trembling in fear calum wont make it. "Michael dont worry calum will be fine. He is strong remember he wouldnt leave without seeing his child." He relaxed a little and giggled "thats what i said yesterday. Yea i guess your right thanks."

Just then the doctor came and Ash, Niall, and harry came back from the cafeteria. "The surgery was a success." We all jumped for joy. Hugging each other....but that was too soon.

"But Calum... Passed away before we finished. We apologize for you loss."

I couldnt function. Just then everything went black.

Ashton's p.o.v

Luke and michael fainted. Naill and harry caught them. "Can we borrow a room please?" I asked the doctor. "Sure. NURSE!!"

The nurse lead us to a empty room with two bed so luke and michael could lay down. "What are we goin to do? What are we going to tell his mom and sister?" ( his dad got amnesia and didnt remember then so he ran away sooooo) Harry asked obviously confused about what happens next.

"Well him mom is overseas on some Business trip and mali is on tour with interviews." So there is no way we can get a hold of them.

Michael and luke stared to wake up. "Are you guys alright?"

All about that Calum (BoyxBoys)Where stories live. Discover now