Chapter 50

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🐧Luke's p.o.v🐧

I walked over to niall after I closed the door. I started sucking all over Niall's neck. Then slowly making my way down his stomache, earning hella moans from him. He start taking my shirt off and flew it across the room. Then I undid my pants leaving me in my boxer.

I crawled up the the headboard of the bed and niall followed afterwards, straddling my waist.

"Im shocked niall (a/n I literally but liam instead of niall) have u done this before?" I giggled.

"Shut up luke" niall looked down

💙Michaels p.o.v💙

"Come on calum" I whine.

So the thing is I really want to go but calum is being reeeaaally difficult. He's currently laying on the hotel bed. I would go by myself but I know Connor mainly invited calum. So I would look stupid if I went myself.

"No I don't wanna go. Those ppl are weird. I mean who makes videos of themselves and post them online in the first place? Like who gives a fuck?" I rolled my eyes at his argument. He had a point but I knew he was just making up an excuse, cause if that was the case he must really don't give a care about iisuperwomanii.

"Hey Lilly is hawt she doesn't count." He said.

"Was I talking out loud?"

"Yes yes u were."

I sighed and crawled in bed next to calum. Nuzzling my face in his neck. Let me give this one more go.

"Please calum I really wanna go. You know how much this would mean to me. It'll be fun." I whispered a beg.

He flipped me over so I was underneath him. Him, hovering over me.

"We could have fun here angel." He said leaning down and kissing down my neck. O heck no, he is not getting out of this.

"No calum, please please please I want to meet other youtubers before we leave here. Besides well have fun when we come back."  hope I got him this time.

"Fine we'll go. Just for 2 hours though."

"YAZZZ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!" I peppered him with kisses.

*at the party*

"Hi I'm Michael I'm a huge fan of you channel." I said calmly to THE Shane Dawson. You can tease me about my fangirling I don't care he's amazing.

"Aww, thank you you're so sweet I just wanna put my c*ck in your mouth. Like aunt Karen used to do to me" Ok that was kinda flattering vivid at the same time. But who cares this is Shane fricking Dawson.

"Would it be weird to say I would like that?" I responded, forgetting calum was by me, talking to his dream girl, Lilly Singh.

"Hey Shane!" I saw joey graceffa coming over. I remembered him from Harry's party almost a year ago. Who would have known that I already met a famous youtuber already and didn't know it.

"Hey baby, I knew you'd be looking for me." Shane looked like he just saw a kitten, making joey laugh and look nervous.

"Uh huh, I was just here to tell you that everyone wants you to sing that one song you made. Vacation was it? I don't know, I didnt even know you made real songs but what ever. I see you met Michael." Wow that was hilarious. And to think they're my otp.

"Oh baby I'll do what ever you want" Shane looked at joey with lust ,making joey a bit scared. I mean who wouldn't Shane is kinda weird....and EXTREMELY hairy.

All about that Calum (BoyxBoys)Where stories live. Discover now