Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Snow Falls

Moving stealthily through the forest, Snow White's boots softly touched the ground, barely making a sound

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Moving stealthily through the forest, Snow White's boots softly touched the ground, barely making a sound. Her cloak was up as she speedily traveled North, hearing of many merchants passing through that area. Supposedly, too, the prince and princess would be passing through soon.

Snow stopped, listening closely to the sounds of the forest. Something had made a sound, and the fact that it stopped when she did told her it wasn't an animal.

"Who's there?" Snow White asked cautiously, slowly trying to move into a defensive stance.

"Hello, there." Snow whipped around, finding the owner of the voice, and the person she heard. In front of her stood a girl with black hair, and light tan skin. Her hair was almost down to her waist, wavy and touseled, her clothing having frayed edges. Yet, there was something about the way she carried herself that suggested more than just being a lost girl. Snow swallowed, recognizing her face.

"You," Snow took in her soft features, but hardened gaze. "You're--"

"It's a pleasure to meet you." The girl smiled, tilting her head. "I'm Anastasia."

"You're the she-devil people talk about," Snow stated immediately.

"My reputation precedes me." Anastasia's grin didn't drop. "And you're a fugitive from what I've seen. Isn't that true, Snow White?"

"Technically." Snow eyed the girl up and down suspiciously. She slowly turned in a circle, keeping her eyes on Anastasia as the teenager circled around her.

"I'm only technically a she-devil." Anastasia appeared behind her, causing Snow to jump and turn around. "Would you believe me if I said I'm much nicer than what you hear?"

"What do you want?" Snow questioned immediately. Anastasia pouted at the princess for not playing in to her games. "Why are you here?"

"Now, that's so many questions, especially from criminal to criminal," Anastasia complained, the childish frown still on her face. "What I want happens to be the same reason I'm here. I'd like to relay some information."

"And what information is that?"

"I think you should head in the other direction." Anastasia pointed behind Snow. "The prince and princess decided to take the scenic route. There will be more jewels there than whatever you're planning to steal on this path."

"You're lying." Snow challenged.

"Are you forgetting I have magic?" Anastasia glared. "I saw it with my own eyes."

"I won't make it there in time," Snow continued.

"Actually, you'll make it there just in time," Anastasia fired back. "I already cut down a tree in their path. It'll save you a good amount of preparation. You're welcome, by the way."

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