02: Enemy

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Alhaitham's eyes opened widely.

He took a closer look at the boy, who was claiming that he was Kaveh.

It really was him.

„ K-Kaveh?!", Alhaitham gasped, „ This is all...a bad dream...right?"

Kaveh laughed.
„ Oh, so you do still hate me!", he laughed, „ Wow, you haven't changed at all!"

Kaveh brought in his suitcases and closed the front door.

Alhaitham didn't know how to feel. He felt shocked that Cyno was actually right about Kaveh being his college roomate.

He almost didn't recognize Kaveh when he saw him. When Kaveh was in middle school, was much smaller, wore glasses, and had a buzz cut with brown hair. Now, he had changed a lot. Alhaitham couldn't lie that he definitely had a glow up. His fluffy, dyed blonde hair suited him bush better. His clothing style suited him much more too. In the past, he always wore hoodies or basic t-shirts and sweatpants with a baseball cap.

„ You know, when I found out that you were living here, I instantly knew that I would have to share a room with you!", Kaveh laughed as he sat down on the couch.

Alhaitham's eyes opened widely.
„ You...knew...I was living here?!", he gasped.

Kaveh nodded his head.
„ Yeah! One of your friends found my account on social media and saw that I was attending the same college. So he gave me an amazing price offer for me to live with you!", Kaveh proudly said.

That's when it hit Alhaitham that that friend was Cyno.
Cyno had purposely made sure that Kaveh would be Alhaitham's roomate.

„ I will kill that asshole!", he angrily thought to himself.

„ Anyway, I will unpack my suitcase! See ya later, roomie!", Kaveh said as he winked his eye at Alhaitham. He walked into the shared bedroom and closed the door behind him

Alhaitham angrily grabbed his phone, opened WhatsApp, went to his and Cyno's chat, and aggressively typed.

Cyno, I hate you, you stupid mf. You think you're so funny when you're not. Fuck you

It took around 3 minutes for Cyno to reply.

Huh? What did I do?


Ohh, just that. Haha, surprise. I just thought it would be funny for the iconic duo to reunite

Iconic duo?! We were enemies. We had physical fights almost every day in seventh grade until the end of middle school. What the hell made you think that this was a good idea?!

LMAO come on. It's been years. Maybe you'll finally get along well with him.

In your wildest dreams. Anyway, fuck you. I don't want to text you until tomorrow when I see you at college

Alhaitham angrily slammed down his phone and lay on the couch. He felt like screaming out of anger.

A few hours had passed. Alhaitham ended up falling asleep on the couch. Although he wasn't tired, he fell asleep anyway. Perhaps it was a good distraction to get away from Kaveh and Cyno, who he both wanted to kill if he could.

„ Wake up, sleepy head!", a voice whispered.

Alhaitham opened his eyes to Kaveh, who was standing in front of him. He had forgotten for a moment why Kaveh was in his flat. But once he was completely awake, he remembered that Kaveh would be his roommate for the next four years in college.

Alhaitham sat up and rolled his eyes.
Kaveh laughed.
„ I get it, you hate me!", Kaveh laughed, „ But we are roommates so you can't avoid me!"

Alhaitham stared at the blonde haired boy.
„ But don't you get it? I want nothing to do with you!", he growled, „ Even if I must pay you money, I will. I'll do all of this just to not talk to you EVER AGAIN!"

Kaveh smiled.
„ I guess I will think of something you'll have to do for me. And then, I won't ever talk to you again!", Kaveh said, „ Or if you'd even prefer, I would move out of your flat!"

Alhaitham liked the sound of that. Then, he could live on his own, or find a better roommate.He could avoid Kaveh much easier that way.
„ Deal!", he said, „ But think of something fast. Because living with you is already hell!"

Kaveh simply chuckled, as he walked into the kicthen and took out a board and a knife. It looked like he was preparing his dinner. Alhaitham didn't want to watch Kaveh cook, so walked to his room and lay on his bed.

There was an other reason why Alhaitham hated Kaveh so much. In middle school, in around beginning of 8th grade, Alhaitham started dating a girl from his class. Her name was Dehya. Alhaitham felt so happy and lucky that he was dating her, since he had a crush on her for months. However, Kaveh also liked her at the time, and he was jealous. So he came up with a plan. He one afternoon walked up to Dehya and lied that Alhaitham was cheating on her. Dehya believed him, so she confronted Alhaitham and broke up with him. A week later, Dehya and Kaveh were dating.

Since then, Alhaitham hated Kaveh even more than he already did. He loved Dehya a lot, and the fact that just because of a lie, she broke up with him and dated Kaveh, made him hate Kaveh even more.

„ At least college is starting tomorrow, and I can avoid that stupid asshole better!", Alhaitham thought to himself as he angrily lay his head on his pillow.

Enemy [Kaveh x Al Haitham]Where stories live. Discover now