21- Crushing Blow, 57th Expedition Beyond The Walls Part Five

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"When the Colossal titan vanished, whoever was inside was wearing manouver gear, so that they could escape in the steam" Erwin explains as they all continue to ride on their horses through the forest, "don't you think the same possibility applies here? That's what I think Evelyn is thinking. I think she believes there's going to be a fight on both Levi and her's hands".

"But at the time, based on what we saw when Eren emerged from the titan, we concludes it would be impossible" Hange says as they look at Erwin, "his equipment was destroyed, and his uniform was gone. Above all, Eren was so weak, he couldn't even stand unassisted".

"The Female titan was able to attract other titans with its cry" Erwin says as he looks straight ahead, "we failed to predict this, and the operation failed. If titan abilities vary depending on skill, it was a mistake to use Eren, a total novice, as the basis for our assumptions. If we are to outwit our enemy, we'll need to think outside of the box".

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the forest, the newer soldiers set off on their horses.

"If we're withdrawing, does that mean the mission succeeded?" Jean asks confused.

"If that's so, then we may already know who was inside of the Female titan" Armin says as he looks at Jean.

"I'd like to see who it is" Jean says cockily, "but why was the Commander so sure that the enemy would come after Eren if he left the walls?".

"I think it's because, for some reason, they suddenly stopped their advance in the midst of the last assault. Even thought they managed to break through the Trost's gate, they didn't even try for the inner gate. And when Eren sealed the gate, they let him. It could mean they have even bigger concerns now".

"Bigger concerns?" Jean asks confused.

"Something more important to them than breaching the walls" Armin says as he looks forward, "something unexpected that happened".

"Eren's transformation into a titan?" Jean questions.

"I think it's the only answer" Armin says as he pieces it all together.

"Then, that means... wait, so" Jean says as he messes up his words.

"Someone who was there, who saw Eren transform, is the titan" Armin says confidently.

Inside of the forest, Eren hangs in front of Gunther who hangs upside down, dead.

"Eren, don't stop!" Oluo shouts as he grabs Eren and throws his forwards.

"But Gunther" Eren says as he looks behind him, only to see the person who killed Gunther, "who's there?".

"Protect Eren!" Eldo orders.

"Damn it. What do we do?" Oluo asks as he looks at Eren, "Eldo, where should we go? There isn't time to reach the horses".

"Head for HQ, as fast as you can" Eldo orders.

"Is it from the Female titan or is there one more?" Oluo asks as he looks back.

"Damn you. How dare you?" Petra yells, "come at me! I'll defeat you, even if it kills me!".

The Female titan? Impossible. Why? Didn't we catch it?

Eren asks. The person disappears for a moment before there's a crack of thunder and a flash of lightning from behind them.

"I knew it!" Eldo says as the Female titan shows up behind them, "it's coming!".

"Damn you!" Eren yells as he brings his hand up to his mouth, "this time I'll do it!".

"No!" Eldo yells as he looks at Eren, "the three of us will kill the Female titan. You will continue to head for the HQ at top speed! This is the best move! Your power is too risky!".

"What? Do you doubt us?" Oluo asks as he looks at Eren.

"Do you, Eren? Do you find it hard to trust us?" Petra asks as she looks at him.

"I believe my squad will be victorious!" Eren says as he goes off.

The three of them smirk as they go towards the titan, Eren watching them. Eldo goes in as the titan goes to grab him but he moves out of the way, swapping places with Petra and Oluo who cut out the titans eyes as it protects its neck, leaning back against a tree. Oluo and Petra swoop back in as they take out chunks from underneath its arms. Eldo then goes in and cuts chunks out of its shoulders. Petra and Oluo go in again as they take it in turns, taking off the muscle on its arms. The titans arms drop as they go in to go for its neck when it opens one of its eyes, much to the three's surprise. Eldo goes in as the titan bites his head off. Eren screams as he changes his course and he goes back for them. The titan goes after Petra as Oluo screams for her to regroup as the titan stomps on her against a tree, killing her. Oluo connects to its neck and tries to cut it but it crystallises its neck, breaking his blades. Oluo looks at the titan as it kicks him into a tree. The titan lands as it crouches.

"I will... I will kill it!" Eren yells as he bites his hand, turning into a titan.

Eren lands as he screams. Mikasa lands on a tree branch as she hears him, going after him as Erwin and Hange realise what's happening. The minute Evelyn hears the scream, she makes the noise to call Kanmori as Kanmori's ears prick. Kanmori starts to run in the direction of the call as he picks up his pace. Eren continues to scream as the titan looks at him as he runs right at them. Eren goes to punch them but they dodge out of the way, kicking Eren in the stomach. Eren grounds his footing as the titan knees him, he goes to punch them but they dodge again, falling back into a tree. Eren swings a few more times as his last punch lands, knocking the titan to the ground. The titan starts to run away as Eren goes after it.

Meanwhile nearby, Levi and Evelyn continue to fly when they see Kanmori beneath them. Kanmori neighs as Evelyn and Levi drop down, landing on Kanmori. Evelyn grabs Kanmori's reigns and holds onto them in the special way she does as Kanmori speeds off, Levi grabbing hold of Evelyn. They continue through the forest as they look around and they see all of their fallen comrades. Back where Eren is, Eren manages to get the titan onto the ground as he gets on top of it. Eren goes to punch the titan but it moves its head out of the way, making Eren break his arm. Eren goes to punch again but it moves its head once again, his arm not breaking this time. Eren and the titan both look at each other as they heal, Eren constantly screaming at the titan.

Eren leans down towards the titan's face as he screams even more, the titan not phased by the screaming. The titan finally opens its other eye as it grabs Eren and kicks him, sending him flying into a tree behind him. The titan looks over at him but he's already up as he punches it in the face. Eren continues to punch for them but they continue to dodge. The titan crystallises its hand as it punches Eren in the jaw, smashing straight through. Eren bites down as hard as he can as he glides up its arm, punching it in its stomach as it is thrown away. Eren goes to hit the titan as he runs after it, only to receive a punch that cuts the top half of his head off.

Eren lands on the ground as the titan goes to Eren, kneeling down. It grabs him and it dislocates its jaw wide enough as it bites down on Eren's nape. Just then, Levi and Evelyn show up, at the exact same time as Mikasa as Levi and Evelyn hide themselves. Evelyn goes to yell for Eren but Levi covers her mouth.

"Keep quiet" Levi says softly, "you can get him back".

The titan pulls Eren out of his titan by its teeth as it shuts its mouth.

"Eren!" Mikasa yells.

The titan starts to run off as Mikasa goes after it, swiping at its jaw as it ignores her, running forward, guarding its neck. Mikasa cuts the back of its legs as it falls to the ground. She goes to cut its hand but her blades break on contact with the crystallisation. The titan gets up again and starts to go off as Mikasa tries to go after it, only for Levi to grab her.

"Come back with me" Levi says as Evelyn shoots by them on Kanmori, "Evelyn will get Eren".

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