25- The Wall, Raid on Stohess District Part Three

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"Let us pray for the wellbeing of the three goddesses, Maria, Rose, Sina" the priest from the church says as he stands in the middle of the group of people standing around him, "for our continued peace and safety. You must not doubt the holy walls! The walls of light, born of God's hand, will become stronger through our devotion and faith. An innocent heart, believing in God, is our only protection from the titans. Our only way to keep them at bay-".

All of a sudden, the wall caves in from the side as the Female titan comes crashing through, landing on top of everyone as it slips through the other side of the church. The priest who managed to get out of the way looks where his fellow worshippers were as he watches the Female titan get up.

"A titan. What is it doing here?" he asks as the Female titan sits up.

Annie looks down as she sees all of the people she and Eren killed. She looks up and sees Eren heading straight for her as she gets up and she runs towards the wall.

"Stay away from the walls!" the priest yells as he watches her, "not the walls.

Hange, Jean and Armin land on a roof nearby as they watch Eren chase after Annie.

"This time, it's seems he's retaining control" Hange says as they watch Eren.

"Yes. But Eren's never managed to beat the Female titan" Armin says worriedly.

"Now that he's a titan, he must be prepared to fight" Jean says from behind him, "he won't go down so easily".

"Willpower alone isn't enough in battle" Armin says as he looks at Jean, "you know that, Jean. Defeating Annie will require far more".

"She's heading for an open area!" Hange yells as they spot a clear area up ahead, "split up and work your way around the other side!".

"Roger!" everyone says as they all split off.

Annie and Eren make it to the clear area as Annie stops herself and she turns to look at Eren who stops as well.

Annie, you always acted like you found everything incredibly stupid. You always seemed bored. But there were times where you looked alive. When you were showing off your martial arts. You said not of it mattered, but to me, it didn't look like you really believed that. I just thought you were a terrible liar. Tell me, Annie. What are you fighting for? What could have been worth killing all of those people.

Eren asks as he goes to punch Annie but she crystallises her elbow and blocks his attack. Annie kicks Eren but he blocks her as he grabs her leg and throws her into a building behind him. Eren runs at her but Annie moves out of the way, Eren running into the same building.

"What is this?" a soldier asks from nearby as they watch the whole scene, "Squad Leader Hange. Even if we capture the Female titan, they might destroy the whole city first!".

"We do it, regardless" Hange says as they look at the soldier, "that was Erwin's decision. Be ready to capture her".

"No one told me anything about this" Hitch says from nearby as she and Marlow watch the scene unfold, "why are titans fighting here?".

"What's going on?" Marlow asks worriedly.

"Titan's fighting each other?" Nile questions in disbelief of what has just been reported to him as he continues to hold the gun towards Erwin, "Erwin! Is this all due to your plan?".

"That's correct" Erwin says as he stares Nile dead in the eyes whilst Levi leans against the carriage, "all of this was my personal decision. I don't intend to make excuses".

"You must've known what would happen if you executed a plan like this in the city" Nile says as he grabs Erwin's collar, "how? How could you do this?".

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