chapter 15- News

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We get to a small village and everyone's eyes are on me.

"Please let me go," I beg James.

"No," he replies curtly.

"Unhand me then." I say firmly.


"I am still your princess! Unhand me!" I yell out in anger. My arm is going to be bruised and torn from its spot if he tugs any harder.

He releases my arm with a growl and I pull it back to my side.

"Is that red riding hood?!" Someone gasps.

I smile and look towards the person who said that. I guess I do have a reputation with my red cloak.

Peter walks behind me stiffly while Starlight stands protectively. There was a reason she choose me and I'm glad she did.

"Alpha caught her!?" Someone else gasps. My smile drops and I stand straightener. A few of the men walk towards me but one low growl from the alpha shuts them up.

"Better with Alpha than Tristan," Peter whispers.

"At least I know what Tristan wants," I tell him.

"I want what is mine. And you are mine," James growls.

"As of right now, I am Duke Mason's fiancé," I tell him firmly.

He growls and I'm suddenly crushed to his chest. "Mine!"

I freeze in his grasp. I am the ruthless Alpha's mate. Oh gods, what am I going to tell Mason and Alexon?

He lets me go and takes off in a brisk walk with me right behind him. He opens doors to a large room and motions for me to take a side at the head of the table. There are other wolves all around the table.

James stands at one end and watches me carefully. I stand straighter and fix my cloak around me in a nervous habit. I walk up to the edge of the table and all the wolves eyes face me. Their eyes fill with lust, disgust, or curiosity.

"And who are you?" One of them asks bravely.

I flash him a smile. "Princess Annabelle Kinston. Crown princess of Aldron." They all bow their heads in respect.

"What brings you here, Princess?" Another asks.

"I came here to ask for alliances. Prince Tristan from the Northan Kingdom wants me to be his wife but only for power. Not ruling power either. He is about to declare war on my kingdom and I am taking action before it happens. I have talked to the fae and they are sided with me too. They are coming to the castle."

"Only the fae?" Another asks.

I nod. "As of right now, yes. I want the elves, warlocks, and witches on my side also but I think Tristan already has the witches on his side."

"Why do you want the wolves on your side? What do you have that makes us side with you over Tristan?"

I smirk. "What do I have? Oh, well-"

"She is my mate," James speaks up. All the wolves turn their gaze to him in shock. "I am siding with her. It is my purpose to protect her and I am doing that."

"We will side with you, Princess." Another wolf says.

I smile in relief. "Thank you. I will offer rooms in the castle if you would like to come and stay informed on the issues going on."

James nods. A few wolves look back and forth before nodding.

"Stay for the night, my welcoming you to the pack. Same with you, Peter," James says.

I look over my shoulder and see Peter tense and tall.

"Stop being such a statue," I tease him. Peter glares at me, making me laugh. He cracks a smile.

I look forward and see James stiffen, his body going tense. "Cas! Harris! Get the intruder!" He snaps.

Two of the wolves stand and run out of the room. I look back to Peter and see him frowning.

"I hope Alexon figured out how to get father back," I tell him, worry eating me.

"Belle, what is wrong with your father?" James asks carefully.

I turn towards him, not able to hide my fear and sadness. "Tristan took him."

He takes large and quick steps towards me and pulls me into an embrace. My hand crunches his shirt and I cry into his chest. I can't break down now. Not in front of someone I don't know.

Never show emotions. That is the number one rule!

His touch seems to calm me and relaxes me. I use my sleeve to wipe the tears from under my eyes. I pull back and take a few steps back. I see hurt flash in his eyes before they darken.

"Princess!" Someone yells. I turn and see Gerald. Peter seems just as shocked.

"Dad?" Peter walks forward but a few wolves pull him back.

"Gerald? What is going on? Why are you here? Who is protecting Alexon?" I rush out. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder before James steps protectively in front of me.

"Your brother is fine. I have Kade and a few others watching him. I came to tell you that your father has become sick and we need the princess home." Gerlad says quickly.

"Dad is sick? Deathly sick?" I whisper out.

Pure fear and worry strike through me. My hands begin to shake along with my entire body. He won't survive getting sick. Especially since he isn't home. He lost his love and his youngest is threatened. He has to deal with Alexon taking the throne soon and me marrying the duke. I won't survive if dad doesn't make it. He is my father, he knows everything about me. I trusted him more than my mother.

"Yes, Belle, you ne-" I don't hear the rest of the sentence before I faint.


"Has that ever happened before?" Someone's voice asks.

"No, she has never fainted. This scares me. Her father is the closest one to her. She is the definition of father's daughter." Peter's voice says.

"Will she ever get the throne?"

"If her brother dies before an heir is born, yes. I hope that never happen though. The stress would crush her."

"I want to go to the castle with her. I want to see her daily life."

"I need you to carry her on Starlight. We have to be careful of the ride back to the castle. If Alexon or Mason find out, they will kill us both for making her go through all this."

Someone picks me up carefully and craddles me close to them.

"I have her don't worry. She is safe in my arms." The voice vibrates whoever is holding me close.

I open my eyes and see James is holding me. Peter must notice my eyes open because he speaks.

"Princess, James is going to carry you while you ride Starlight."

"May you please set me on my feet?" I ask James.

His head turns down towards me and his eyes are glowing. I gasp and try to push myself away from him but his hold tightens.

"Let me stand," I whisper out. "I just want to stand."

He sighs and gently set me on my feet. I whistle and hesr the thundering of hooves on the ground.

"Get back here!" Someone yells. I turn and see Starlight running towards me with a man chasing after her.

She stops in front of me and I mount her. My red cloak fans behind me and I sit up straight, the way a royal is suppose to.

"I have to go fix things. I have to save my father." I tell James.

"Harris! You are in charge until I return!"

"Go Belle!" Peter yells, pulling himself on the back of Starlight.

"Ya!" I yell while whipping the reins. Starlight takes off at a quick speed. Peter yells while falling off. He shifts and lands as a wolf while running beside me.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now