19- the king

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"Alaric! Who is she?" The Elven King bellows.

We walk up to a resonable distact to the throne and Alaric bows.

"Princess Annabelle Kingston. Crown Princess of Aldron." Alaric announces me. I remove my hand from his arm and curtsy. He emphasized my name in wonder why.

"Where's her crown then?" I hear a smile in the King's voice.

"At home. Dad doesn't trust me enough with it yet. He says it's because I am too clumsy." I tell him.

I hear a few laughs but the loudest comes from the king. "Isn't a princess suppose to be graceful?"

He stands and walks towards us. I try my best to hide the gapping. He has the jawline Alaric does but he has a shaven face. His hair is light brown, just like mine, and his eyes are bright green. They look like olives, a werid yet beautiful color. He stands a good foot taller then me making him 6'6". He has wide shoulders and his shirt fits his torso snugly, showing his chiseled torso and chest.

He bows before me and takes my hand in his. "Nice to meet you in person, princess." He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it. "My name is Vehiron but in your language my name is Cyril."

I feel my face heat up. "Nice to meet you, your majesty."

"Please call me Cyril." He releases my hand and stands up straight. I nod. "What brings you to my kingdom, Annabelle?"

"Thats what I want to talk to you about privately." Alaric speaks up.

Cyril nods. "Follow me then." He begins to walk off. Alaric looks at me and motions for me to follow with the nod of his head.

We walk down a long hall and Cyril opens a large door to show us an office.

"Please, take a seat." He offers. Alraic and I take the seats in front of the large wooden desk. They really love their wood don't they?

Cyril walks to the other side and sits, his eyes on me in adoration?

"So what was the deal you had with my father? Why does it involve me?" I ask.

Both of them look at me with shock. "How do you know about the deal?"

"I might have been asleep but I could still hear things. I want to know why I am here." I state firmly.

Alaric sighs and rubs his face roughly. "Annabelle, there are just some things you won't want to hear-"

"Test me then!" I tell him. "I am here when I could be at my own kingdom, learning how to become the next ruler and helping out my kind."

"I had a bet with my brother when we were younger on who would get a bride. A royal bride. I made deal with your father for the first born female to be my bride and I would ally the Elves with him." Cyril says.

I eye him. "Clarissa is dead. She was murdered by assassins."

"And I made a deal with your father that I would get the second born daughter to be my bride. The deal I made was I would ally all the warlocks, witches, and wizards with his kingdom." Alaric says.

"My father bartered us off like pawns!?" I yell.

Alaric continues as if I never had my rant. "This was twenty years ago. Before he had you and when Clarissa was only a young, bratty child. He has been trying for years to end the deal with me and Cyril. He even wrote to us saying that the eldest died and that he refused to give you up but your father doesn't back up on his word."

Cyril clears his throat. "You are to stay and choose either me or my brother for a suitor. I would prefer you choose me but Alaric would be a good choice also."

"What if I already love someone?" I ask.

"Who could you already love? Please tell me it isn't one of the fae!" Cyril begs.

I smile. "No, Duke Mason."

"The bastard child whose father tried to kill you? That Mason?!" Cyril growls out.

I nod once and is olive eyes darken and the air turns tense. Alaric's gaze snaps to his brother. "Calm down! She is safe! Annabelle is right here!" Alaric stands and pulls me up to. He whispers in my ear. "Cyril has fallen for you and Elves are very defensive over those they care for. Only you can calm him right now."

He pushes me towards Cyril and I trip. I brace to fall on the floor but strong arms wrap around my waist and keep me from falling. They pull me against a strong chest.

"We sould get trousers for Annabelle. Maybe she wouldn't be so clumsy." Cyril offers. I love how my name rolls off of his tongue. Wait! I shouldn't be thinking this! I have Mason!

"She has never worn trousers." Alaric argues.

"Never worn them in public. I wore them to learn how to ride horses and how to fight. My guards know about it and that is it." I tell him.

The person holding me chuckles silently. I know this because I feel the vibration along my back.

"Looks like you are going to get her a pair of trousers." Cyril tells his brother.

Alaric sighs and sulks out of the room.

Cyril turns me around and tilts my face up to meet his gaze. His eyes are back to their olive color. He is very attractive.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?" Cyril whispers.

My cheeks heat up and I look away. "Same to you, Cyril."

He chuckles. "Is it okay for me to call you Belle? Or do you prefer Anna?"

"Everyone I know calls me Belle."

"Wonderful, I can call you that. Unless you want your own little names." He teases.

"And what might those names be?" I ask with a brow raised.

"You will find out, sweetheart." He cups my cheek. He still has on hand on my waist.

I smile. I like the sound it has. "If I choose you, then who wins the bet?"

"Neither of us. You do." His face seems to be closer to mine.

"And what does that mean?" I whisper out, nervousness flooding into me. It is just a kiss if he kisses me.

It means that he is claiming you and you can't go to anyone else.

Mason has kissed me though.

"It means that you get either a prince or a king to be your husband. That you have a royal to control and your own kingdom." His fresh breath fans my faces.

His face is getting closer!

"A prince you say? That is a wonderful royal to control." I say with sarcasm.

"How about a king? Something with power and control." His lips are brushing mine.

"A king is a big title to control. I don't think I have the will to control a king."

"Little one, you already have me in your control. I want you to be mine and mine alone."

"For me to be yours, you have to prove to me why I should want you. What do you have that I need, that I can love?" I ask.

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