16- plans

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I feel the wind lift my cloak up and I hear the thudering of paws. I glance to my left and see a giant black wolf.

"Dad has gotten kidnapped, Star. Hurry please." I whisper out, knowing she can hear.

And proof that she can hear is her speeding up. We get to the castle grounds in record timing.

"LET THE WOLVES THROUGH!" I yell at the top of my lungs. The gates open and we begin to slow down. Starlight is panting heavily. I slide off of her and stroke her nose. "Remind me to give you a treat."

A stable boy runs up to us. "I'll take your horse, princess."

"Please give her some sugar cubes. She has been a very good girl." I tell him politely.

He nods and walks off with Starlight right beside him. I grip my skirts and run up the steps, guards bowing when they see me.

"Alexon! Mason!" I yell. I fling the doors open and see my brother sitting in the middle of the floor with his hands stuck in his hair and his elbows on his knees.

I bolt over to his side and hug him, letting my tears come back again. He wraps his arms around me.

"I'm going to fix this Belle. I swear. You swore you would fix me while I was poisoned so my promise to you is I swear I will fix father so he isn't sick." Alexon whispers in my ear.

"I just want him back." I cry out.

"And we will get him back, Belle."

"Belle!" A voice yells from above us. I pull back some and see Mason running down the stairs. I release Alexon and Mason wraps his arms around me. He kisses the top of my head and holds me close.

"I'm sorry. So sorry. I wish I could do something to help." He mutters.

I pull back from both of them. "I have to go and trade myself in. If it means getting father back then it will be worth it." I tell them.

"No!" The word comes from everywhere around me.

"You will stay right here and right by my side the whole time. You aren't letting me run this place alone." Alexon says firmly.

"Who are you to tell her what to do!?" James growls out. He storms past me and holds Alexon up by the throat.

I scream and guards start storming in. "Drop his royal highness now!"

"Belle! Go stop him!" Peter yells at me.

I freeze. "You expect me to go near it!?"

"Calm him down before the guards kill him!" Peter yells. He pushes me forward and I trip over the hem of my dress. I squeak before two strong arms wrap around me, my face inches from the floor.

"MINE!" A strong voice snarls. I shiver at the power it holds. The arms lift me up and squish me against a strong chest.

"Let her royal highness go!" The guards bellow again.

The figure holding me is shaking and growling. I don't know if it is in rage or..oh. James is holding me and he is about to shift.

"James. Please calm down. You are scaring me." I whisper out.

He must hear my fright because he instantly stops growling and tilts my head so I can meet his eyes instead of his chest.

"You are mine and mine only. No one disrespects you or treats you badly without answering to me. Got it?" He growls out.

I nod my head meekly. He sighs and presses my head against his chest.

"Unhand her!" The guards yell.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now