38- secret tunnels and father

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Alexon and I watch the witch walk through the doorway. I grip his sleeve tightly as we walk towards the door. I walk through but get yanked to a stop.

I look, confused to why I was stopped, and see that Alexon is against the shimmer.

He pulls me towards him and I walk out of the doorway. "I can't get through."


"I'll go with her." Alaric offers.

"Why would you do that?" Alexon asks, defensive of me.

Alaric drops on a knee with a hand over his heart. "I pledge my alligance to the royal family of Aldron. I swear to protect the royal family with my life."

Alexon and I met eyes and I smile. "He is a friend."

Alaric walks over and offers his arm. I release Alexon's sleeve to grip Alaric's arm.

"I promise to take care of her." Alaric promises. "On my life."

"Sadly, I wish to hear that from someone else right now but thank you." Alexon says and offers a hand to Alaric.

Alraic grabs his hand and shakes it. "Now, I will try to hurry but if something happens, Annabelle will run out and you will leave with her."

"Let's go! I want to see father!" I whine, tugging on Alaric's arm.

He nods and we step through the shimmer and into a familiar setting. This place looks like home. The stone walls, stone floors, everything.

"This looks like..."

"My castle." I finish off.

"Yeah, that's the word I was looking for."

We move about the castle and I notice shadows moving around everywhere.

"Boys! Find the girl and throw her in the dungeon!" The witch bellows.

Alaric and I met eyes. Terror fills mine while his become dark.

"This is an exact replica of your castle so what's the plan, Belle?"

I take a deep breath and think. "Secret tunnels and find father!" I yell out then hear the scratching of claws on the stone. I would know because Alexon snuck dogs into the castle and they sound exactly like this.

"I'm following you, princess." Alaric responds quickly. I look forward and see three black wolves at the far end of the hall.

I make a quick scan and see a painting that hides an entrance. I hear howling and I run over and fling the picture open to reveal a narrow passage, the perfect size for me to run in.

I jump in and Alaric follows after me, closing the door on the wolves. I sigh in relief and think of the way to get to my father's room.

"We have to change tunnels soon." I whisper to Alaric.

"Why are we whispering?" He asks. "Werewolves don't have good hearing."

"They have wonderful hearing and because this tunnel leads to my garden where all noise becomes louder."

"Oh." Is his response. I begin to walk and hear a loud whacking noise before cursing.

I turn around to see Alaric holding his head. I break into giggles. "Sorry, the tunnels are for shorter people."

"Thanks for the warning." Alaric growls and ducks down walking towards me. "Now let's hurry."

I nod and walk down the corridor, thinking of all thr possible tunnels to father's room.

"Yes mother, I have the prefect flower for you." My voice sounds out. I look to Alaric and he gives me a confused look.

"I didn't speak!" I defend myself.

"She created a alternate world for herself." Alaric whispers and grips my cloak tightly. "Hurry."

I nod again and run out of the tunnel and land on my feet quietly. I look up and see another me sitting at the bench with the witch.

"You are wearing jewels and a tiara. Is that what she wanted of you?" Alaric whispers from behind me.

"She wanted me to be the perfect princess. Do you see any flaw with that girl over there?" I ask, sadness filling me.

"I see a sad girl, a hopeless girl, who has everything but what she wants." Alaric responds. "I prefer you like this, clumsy, loving, and flawed. It makes you a true princess."

I smile. "Thank you, now we must hurry-"

"Your highness, a word?" A guard pips in from the door.

All eyes turn towards him and I see a formal looking Peter. I quickly peer at my twin and see her cheeks brighten red.

"I still have a crush of Peter. I wonder-" All eyes turn towards Alaric and I.

Peter pulls out a sword as my twin screams.

"Who are you, imposter!?" Peter bellows, holding his sword towards me.

I stand up, straight and rigid, showing my true title. "That is no way to speak to your princess!"

"You are no princess of mine!" Peter snaps, walking towards me.

"Belle! Your arrows!" Alaric yells, pulling me away from Peter.

"You wolves are completely useless! I wanted you to find the warlock and the girl!" The witch bellows.

I pull my bow from my shoulders and notch and arrow the tip right at the base of Peter's neck.

"I can easily kill you, back away and let me get to my father!" I growl out, a strange power taking over me.

His brown eyes widen and he takes a step back. Alaric tugs on my cloak and yanks me into the tunnel and slams the door shut. I take off in a dead run in another direction, knowing of several other passages to my library.

I hear clicking and stop mid step, panic filling me. "Wolves!" I see glowing golden eyes lift from down one of the halls and I panic.

"Run!" Alaric yells, pushing me forward.

I hook my bow over my shoulder and take off, trying to place an arrow back in my sheath.

I run to the closest exit and leap out, landing under the balcony above the stairs. I look forward to see snarling wolves.

I scream in fear and run towards the direction of my father's room, up the stairs and the third wing.

The wolves chase after me excitedly, thinking this is all a game.

"Thank the gods we decided to put you in pants instead of keeping you in a dress." Alaric pants.

"You're tired?" I breath out.

"Who knew a girl like you could run this fa-ast!" Alaric yelps when one of the wolves grabs his ankle and holds on tightly making him fall on his stomach and chest. I quickly grab Alaric's staff which slid towards me and yell at the wolves. "Hey! Mutts! Leave my friend alone!"

A few of them snarl and growl at me. My eyes narrow and I stand my ground. I lift the staff and swing at the closest wolf, knocking him to the side with a yelp.

"Don't touch!" I snarl.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now