31-Her lover wants her clean

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"I am wearing clothes from the Elves. They were kind enough to let me have some for the ride home." I explain.

My father frowns but stays quiet.

"Belle!" Alexon and Mason yell out, sliding into the room breathless.

I flash them an innocent smile. "Hello. You just saw me."

"Why are you wearing a crown?" Dad asks. I turn towards him.

"We now have alliance with the Elves." Alexon explains.

"You made a treaty with the Elves!?" My dad yells, completely shocked. "No one ever has treaties with them! How did you do it?" His voice drops to under his breath so Ibarely hear everything. "I did not expect you to come home either. I expected you to stay there and be a good princess and not run away. For once she is capable of the throne."

My eyes widen and tears form. Am I that incapable to do anything? Does everyone think this?

"Belle." Mason whispers. I back away and run, not caring where I'm going.

My own father doesn't think I can do something. Tears blur my vision and make it hard to run and add my clumsiness, I'm the definition of mistake.

I turn the corner to bolt up the stairs and trip over my own feet. I brace myself to land on my hands but an arm snakes around my waist and pulls me against a chest.

I turn in the arms and cry into the chest. The person picks me up and judging by how effortlessly he does, I'm going to say it is Mason. He carries me while I cry.

I came back home to find out my father thinks I'm incapable of doing anything. Is that why he sent me away in the first place? Because I'm useless to him?

"Don't worry, Belle. Alexon and I will talk to him." Mason whispers in my ear.

My hand grips his shirt tightly and my other arm wraps around his neck. I feel warm lips on my head before I'm placed on something soft.

"Shh, close your eyes and take deep breaths. I'm here and I won't let him talk like that to you." Mason soothes.

I close my eyes and hiccup. I giggle as Mason chuckles. "You are such a little kid, Annabelle." He whipsers in my ear.

I feel him pull away but my grip on his shirt keeps his from going far. My eyes snap open.

"Don't leave me please." I beg. "Please. I don't want to be alone."

He nods and lifts me off of the bed. He lays down and sets me beside him. I lay my head on his chest, right above his heart. His hands stroke my hair and arm after he pulled my cloak off.

I listen to his heart beat and breathing. My eyes slowly close.

"I swear to you, princess, that I will never let you be alone as long as I am alive." Mason says before I fall asleep.


I slowly wake up and roll over onto my back. My hand reaches out for Mason but I feel nothing, not even warmth. I sit up and my eyes are wide in panic.

Where is he?! I hear my door open and my head snaps towards it to see Mason frozen midstep. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I took a bath and changed. I hope I didn't wake you when I left." He explains, walking over to me.

"I should probably do the same." I say as I stand up.

"I would recommend putting on a dress. We are home again." He says softly.

I nod and a few maids run in to start my bath. "Belle, I have to take care of a few things but Alexon is in the training hall. He told me to tell you that he would teach you how to use a sword."

I look over to Mason to see his stiff posture. I walk over and wrap my arms around him which he instantly returns. "I don't like seeing you stressed."

"I don't like seeing you sad." He mutters and kisses me softly and cautiously.

I return the kiss and my eyes close. I feel him pull away and my eyes open slowly. He fixes his leather armor and I giggle.

"What do you plan on doing, Duke?" I ask.

"I plan of training to learn how to protect my girl, princess. Do you think she wants a knight in shining armor or a duke with fancy clothing?"

I tap my chin as I pretend to think. "I think your girl will love both. Especially the knight in shining armor if she is a romantic."

"What if she is a romantic but doesn't know it?"

"Then take her somewhere! Now go! I want to be clean and you talking to me isn't helping."

"What if I clean you?" Mason offers with a wink.

"You are not going to see me without clothes on! Now go, you dirty boy!" I press my hands against his chest and push. He stands still as I begin to push with my shoulder.

"I hate being the smallest person here!" I whine and sit right in front of Mason with my back facing him.

"You aren't the smallest one here, there are the kids." He crouches behind me and rubs my shoulders.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, that makes this whole thing so much better."

"In your defense though, if you tried a little harder you would have been able to push me backwards."

I smile and lean back, causing Mason to loose balance and fall flat on his arse. I laugh and lay against him as he pulls me against his chest.

He streches his legs out and his hands hold my sides as my back lays against his chest. I tilt my head to look at him to see him smiling.

"I won!" I exclaim.

"Yes you did you tricky girl! Now you owe me something for making me fall on my ass. I know the perfect idea too. Want to know what it is?" He whispers in my ear.

I nod. "Yes? Should I be worried."

"I want to practice how to have kids. Thats all." He states. My face immediately turns red like a rose.


"I want kids sometime. Not now because we aren't married yet but-"

"You want to...mate?" I cut him off.

"Yes, eventually. Why? Do you not want to?" He sounds hurt.

"That isn't it Mase, I just never thought about any of this. I gave up on guys after you left."

He grins widely in happiness. "You loved me."

I tap his nose. "I still do, silly."

He burys his head into my neck and kisses under my ear, earning an embarrassing moan from me.

"Okay, time for the princess to take a bath. Her lover wants her clean." Mason whispers before pulling me up.

I pull away from him and walk towards the bathroom.

"Belle?" I turn to face a grinning Mason. "I love you."

I smile. "I love you too, you idiot."

"I'm your idiot."

"I wouldn't have it any other way!" I sing out and walk into the bathroom.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now