44- I will tell you everyday

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"Hello, princess. You look absolutely beautiful."

"Princess, you make the queen jealous."

"Your majesty, it is an honor to see you and your beautiful daughter."

Compliments and seductive voices meet me every time we stop in a town. I am sick of it but father says I have to smile.

So a smile is what I give them while Mason wraps his arms around me possessively.

Everytime they see this, they all smile and congratulate us, asking to see the ring. Most of the time the women move forward to speak to me and leave the men to make jokes.

A few more towns until we get to the Northen Kingdom.

A few more days until I can speak with Tristan and with my biological father.

A few days to make my worry increase.

"Come on, Belle. We should go to bed." Mason says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I nod and the guards make a wall between the townspeople and us.

Mason escorts me to his room and closes the door. He sighs and leans agains the door and slides down to sit on his heels.

"Belle, I don't think I can do this anymore." He whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Do what?" I ask as I pull him to a standing postion. I wrap my arms around his torso and rest my head on his chest.

"Show you off to everyone. Have all the men watch you with these...these eyes and I'm unable to do anything about it. I have to watch grown and even married men eye you like a starved man eyes food. All I can do is put my arm around you and even then they don't stop their staring."

"Mason, what is the one thing I tell you everyday?" I ask, placing my chin on his chest to look up at his face.

"That you are hungry or tired?" He asks.

"No, silly. I tell you that I love you. Everyday. Even before we were engaged or before you were sent away. And I will tell you everyday."

He smiles. "Ready to go to sleep?"

I nod, a yawn suddenly escaping me.

"Do you want me to leave so you can change?"

I shake my head. I hold my arms out and he chuckles.

He wraps his arms around me and walks to the bed. He falls on it and I land on top of him. I giggle and lay my head on his chest with my ear above his heart.

"Goodnight, princess." He whispers before I fall asleep.


"Welcome to our kingdom, your highness." Prince Henry mumbles, bowing to my father.

Tristan stands directly in front of me while his father, King Kain and mother, Queen Alissa, stand behind him.

Alexon is by my side along with Mason. A united front.

"Alissa, you are looking as beautiful as ever." My father compliments her.

She smiles. "Why don't you all come in? The young ones here can go and talk, come along Henry."

The kings and queen walk off with the young boy leaving us kids.

All eyes fall on Tristan as he keeps his eyes on me with a firm frown on his face. He walks off and we all follow. He leads us to a library of sorts and closes the door. He turns to face us.

"Brother." I greet him.

He blinks and his mouth parts. "H-how did you find out?"

"My mother told me."

"You realize that you have no ties to your kingdom then? So if I declare war on you-"

"Now why would you want that? What have I done to you?" I cut him off, taking a step forward. "What have I done that made you think 'this person should die'? What made you think that I don't deserve to live?"

"That blasted crown on your head!" He snaps, motioning to the crown the elves gave me. "I was supposed to align with the elves! You beat me to it!"

I hear Alexon growl in anger. "You were never spoken of there."

"You beat me to align with the fae, and your mother is a damn witch! Tell me how you are still alive?"

"She's the favorite princess, Tristan. Something only a few princesses have been called and Annabelle is our most recent one."

"You believe me to expect that myth?" Tristan scoffs.

I smile. "I don't know. You can believe whatever you want to believe I just have proof to back me up."

Tristan steps forward with his hands clenched and his lips in a straight line.

I narrow my eyes and stand straight.

"Hit me, I dare you. Hit a girl. Hit the princess from another kingdom. Hit me you damn coward or shut up!" I snap, tired of his little game.

His eyes seem to glow in anger but I have a feeling it isn't anger. I might have just provoked a warlock or someone who uses dark magic.

Stand your ground.

I meet Tristan's glowing eyes and keep eye contact.

Gods I wish Alaric was here.

"You have no idea what you are saying. I would never hit a girl." Tristan growls.

"Oh? You wouldn't? Then explain your fists! Explain your sudden anger! Explain-"

"I don't have to explain shit to you! You are only a girl! You don't understand anything."

You don't understand anything.

Is that what people think when they see me? That I'm a stupid girl?

Instead of a slap, or large fist, a small, curled up hand flys and hits Tristan in the face, aimed directly for the nose.

His head flys back and he falls against the door. "What were you saying?" I growl out. "You want to say that one more time? You want me to see if I can fight a boy without guards help?"

Tristan touches his bleeding noise and cries out in pain.



Mason and Alexon yell out after they realized and see what I have done.

I hear a few snickers behind me but see Alexon and Mason beside me. I look behind us and see a few of our guards watching over us.

I face forward only to stumble backwards with a burning pain in my cheek. I cry out and hold my cheek, knowing I got slapped.

"You bitch!" Trisyan yells the second Alexon subtly opens the door. All eyes turn towards us, even our parents.

Kain and Alissa look at me covering my cheek and at Tristan who is standing over me. Then to Mason who is being held back by guards and then to Alexon who has his fist raised, about to swing.

"Oh my!" Alissa whispers in shock. I blink and the next thing I know is I am on the floor with another burn of my other cheek.

"Tristan!" Kain yells. I feel many hands on me but one set pulls me into a familiar set of arms.

"We need to talk, Kain. This is important and I'm sure Annabelle spoke about it."

Oh, blame me why don't you?

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now