Chapter 6 Contestant 324

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*Fast forward to first day of school*
•Taylor's pov•
I woke up to the sound of my peaceful alarm, because unlike others is like to wake up to calming chimes rather than loud alarming sounds that make me feel like the cops are outside of my house.

Once i managed to get out of my bed I walked to my bathroom and did my business.
After I was done I put some moisturizer on because it makes my face feel soft and the chicks like soft skin.
I walked to my closet and got out a decent outfit.
It was really just a nirvana t-shirt ,black jeans, vans that had pizzas on them don't ask why I have those I just do, and lastly a grey hoodie and a SnapBack.
If I have to be honest I was pretty satisfied with my outfit.

I heard a knock on my door.
It was my mom I could tell by the way she knocked, she always knocked four times.

Come in mom.

" Hey honey, ready for your first day as a sophomore?" She asked cracking a smile. You can tell she was still tired.

Yeah, how much till we leave? I asked referring to the time.

"35 minutes, Tay honey would you mind showing Asia and Lucas around school? Actually I'll have julissa show him around."

Uh.. yeah sure mom, but for now I need to finish getting ready. I said hopefully not too harsh.

"Oh yes of course,here's a 20 for lunch." She said placing a 20 dollar bill on my grey wooden desk.

Thanks mom, love you.

"You too honey." She exchanged after walking out the door and closing it behind her.

I really don't have to finish getting ready I'm already done.
I should probably text Stella.
Your probably wondering who the hell I'm talking about, well Stella is my girlfriend we've been together for I believe 7 months she's captain and mvp of the volleyball team.

•Asias pov•
As I slipped on my white converse, lucas was telling me how he wants to try out for track and field if they have it.

I'm sure they have track there luke.
I said as I tied my blue flannel across my waist and dusting off my black nirvana muscle tee and my dark blue jeans.

" Hopefully, and maybe you can try out for soccer or cheerleading." he said smiling a bit.

Oh luke I haven't played soccer in the longest. I said looking at my old soccer trophies I had neatly placed on my dresser.

"What about cheerleading?" He asked laughing at the end.

I glared at him as he burst into laughter.
I couldn't help but laugh a little myself.

*At school*

•Asias pov•

"Just let me see your schedule Asia." Taylor said as I handed it to him.

"Locker 125, right here." he said pointing to the red shiney locker.

Thanks Tay. I thanked him as I began opening my locker and placing my things inside.

"No problemo pal, now onto the schedule let's see what you got.
You have history, math, English, choir, P.E and performing arts." He said laughing at the end.

What's so funny? I asked confused.

"It's just you have choir and performing arts." he said like it was a bad thing.

Oh shut up , I didn't choose these classes okay the school did.

"Okay okay, well on the bright side I have all classes with you except your little girly ones." he said smiling at the end as he began to chuckle.

Whatever, lets just go to class. I said annoyed by his responses.

"Whatever you say contestant 324 from San Francisco, California." He joked.

Okay you are really getting on my nerves Taylor, I'll just find my classes by myself.
I said walking away and looking down at my schedule to see where my first period was.

As I was doing so i pumped into a tall figure.

I am so sorry, I was just looking for my class.
I said still looking down embarrassed to look up at the tall figure, from what their wearing I assumed it was a guy.

" Hey don't worry about it, let me help."
The guy said, he had a deep voice but it wasn't crazy deep.

As I looked up our eyes connected, I was starring into yellowish eyes that had a light shade of brown.
I realized I was starring and looked down at our hands touching, my cheeks immediately turned a shade of bright pink.

Sorry.. um.. here's my schedule.
I handed it to him trying to avoid contact because of my cheeks.

"Hey we have four classes together."
He said smiling widely and walked me to my first class.

"My names Leonardo by the way, but you can call me Leo for short."

Cool, I'm Asia. I said smiling

I already made a friend.

Maybe this won't be so bad.

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