First catch in Alola, Ketchem-style

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Before we get started, I just wanted to say something really quick about my version of legendary Pokemon. In order for legendary Pokemon to feel more special, I've decided that. 1: They can use any move of their type, so they're not locked in a 4 moves total. 2: I will also give each legendary their own special moves that only they can use.

The camera opens deep in the forest. With flowers covering the ground. A slight breeze blows the leaves and flowers around the area.

The wind starts picking up, blowing the leaves on the trees. It was still a breeze at this point. That quickly changed when the speed of the wind drastically increased. It started picking up sticks, leaves, and other small items off the ground.

Nearby pokemon started to flee the area. But not from the wind. Something inside told them to run away like their life depended on it. And so, they did.

Yveltal, who was behind the group of students, turns to his left. He stops walking and stares off into the distance. Whatever was going on had put him on edge. He looks back to the group and follows once again, being ever so slightly closer to his trainer.

A small, desert sand colored flame appears on the ground. The flame very quickly starts to spread. Despite things being on fire, nothing burns. The fire then spread unrealistically quickly, covering 200 feet worth of area in barely 10 seconds. The trees, grass, flowers, nothing burns, but it's all on fire.

With the flames getting bigger and bigger, it stays in the 200-foot area. It almost looks like it refused to spread any further. In the center of the fire, it starts to form what seemed to be a sphere of fire that floated in the air. The spere collapses into itself, now being flat but still circular. It almost looks like a portal.

A figure walks out of the portal. The same figure kneels in the fire, most likely from the pain it has just experienced from beforehand. The portal closes, and the fire slowly dies down.

The fire dies down as the camera gets closer to the figure. Its body is the same color as the flame. Its metal body is heavily injured. Cracks and rips were visible all over its metal skin. A giant claw mark was across its face. Its turret, being similar to that of a tank, faces the camera. On its legs, it looks something similar to tank treads.

Its neon white eyes look at the ground. Most of the flame is gone, but small flames still reside. It looks at a red flower, slowly reaching towards it, memorized by the color.

(End song)

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(End song)


Following the events from the last episode, everyone continued to help Y/N and Ash catch a pokemon.

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