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Elijah's pov
There's a darkness coming. We've disposed of my mother yet again but she left us with a warning that something far greater than her will come for us all. And that when it does it'll be unstoppable and heart breaking for all. I pace my room the drawing niklaus did of my wife on my mirror. It's days like this where she'd be able to calm me and think rationally. She was my anchor. My humanity.

She was everything I've ever wanted

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She was everything I've ever wanted. The only person I've ever truly loved. Yes I have Hayley. And I care about her. But there is no love like your first one. I married Thyra as a human. She was a witch. A different kind. She was even more powerful than my mother. She lost her family and we took her in. She was part of our always and forever pact. She sacrificed her power to be able to turn with us. But...she never woke up. Nature denied her an eternity and created me. I turned it off. The pain of losing her hurt so badly. It left a hole in all of us. It's still there.

Even freya remembers her. Despite her being taken. I mutter to the drawing "if only you were here now....what would you do?" It's almost the anniversary of her death. Hayley knows of her. I've spoken little about her over the years, doing so reopening the wound on my heart. I hear fighting downstairs and speed to aid.

Thyra's pov
I wake and they hurt me again and...where am I? Who are they? A woman speaks "we are your family. Elijah mikaelson and the other mikaelsons took your mother from you. Killed her. Now it's time to kill them" showing me what they look like. Pain. I mutter "my mothers dead?" Growing numb. A voice replies fight it. Remember. What? No one spoke. Where is this voice coming from?

"Yes she is. And she's loved you so much throughout the years. They also killed your baby and husband. You came to us for help and there was an accident. The amnesia will wear off" she replies. I nod fight. Escape. I shake the voice off. Why would I? They're my family right? And those people took everything from me. I nod and use my power I'm told I have and exercise it. I'm told to go to a compound in the French quarter and I make my outfit known

 I'm told to go to a compound in the French quarter and I make my outfit known

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The group that comes with me attacks and so do I.

I finish off the hybrids and it's just left to me and the mikaelsons

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I finish off the hybrids and it's just left to me and the mikaelsons. I go through them. Then another is added to them. A man in a suit. Look at him. A voice says. And another says don't. They killed your mother in front of you. Had you weak and watching. I'm grabbed from behind and I toss the male away.

I'm attacked more them getting hurt

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I'm attacked more them getting hurt. The blonde asks as I hold her up by the neck freezing. Now that I actually look. She looks familiar. I shut down more realizing she murdered my mother. "Thyra?" She asks. I glare "you took...everything from me" snapping her neck and soon there's only me and the male with the suit standing....barely. He's in shock "Thyra?" Leave now the voice says. You'll get them another day. It continues. The other voice says don't listen. Look at him. Remember who you are. I look at him and feel that he's definitely familiar. I know him...but how. I glare "shut up!" Hitting him more. He's weakened and I have my foot on his throat ready to rip his heart out "go ahead my love. Kill me. There's no life worth living without you in it. Always and forever and more than that." He wheezes. Flashes of everything hit me all at once creating a headache. "Thyra" a voice says and I see "nik" I mutter. I back away and take in what I did. Elijah. My husband. I almost killed him. I killed Rebekah. I hurt kol. I could've and would've killed Elijah. I crumble to my knees crying at what I did.

He stands "Thyra" a brunette asks "who is this?" Elijah come over and wipes my tear

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He stands "Thyra" a brunette asks "who is this?" Elijah come over and wipes my tear

He stands "Thyra" a brunette asks "who is this?" Elijah come over and wipes my tear

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"You've come back" he says gently. Kneeling with me stroking my face. "I'm dangerous" I say to him moving. He stops me "I don't care. None of us do. You're our family. My family. Stay. I can't lose you again" begging. I hug him tightly and close my eyes at his touch feeling him for the first time in 1000 years. "Who are you?" She asks again. I say "Thyra mikaelson" "they never mentioned another sister" she points out. And Elijah says "she's my wife Hayley. The one I told you about but wouldn't name. Because it was too painful to say" I look between them and read from Hayley's mind that they're together. Oh. Of course he moved on. It's been 1000 years. I move again and she says "oh" I say "nik you have a child?" Reading what I missed from their minds and he grins "yes. Her name is hope Thyra mikaelson" he named her after me. I stand and say "I'm sorry" fixing everything I broke. I note the dead bodies. Hayley says "you killed a part of my pack" "they were in the way." I shrug and kol chuckles and hugs me "oh how I missed you" I hug them and smile "freya" she smiles and hugs me.

Nik says "I think we should leave the couple some time" and with that I'm left with Elijah. My husband that's with another woman....I get it. But it still doesn't mean it hurts less. To think of him with another woman.

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