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Thyra's pov
It's been days of agony. For me it seems. He's with her still. I can hear and see them and it hurts. He tries to talk but seeing them...knowing I'm not what he wants anymore....hurts. So much. "Love?" A voice says. I turn and see nik "hey" I reply "how are you holding up?" "I'm fine" I insist. At the end of it all I just want lijah happy. And that's no longer with me and it hurts but it's the most important thing to me...his happiness.

"You can lie to anyone in the world even sometimes Elijah but not me Thyra..." he says. I reply "it's fine niklaus" he grabs my hand "anyone can see the pain on your face seeing them" "he's moved on and so should I....right? It's been 1000 years I surely shouldn't be here waiting for him to love me the way he did before. Because he doesn't. He loves her nik and that's okay. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." I sigh looking out at the city. "You also have to think about what and how Elijah feels and whatnot" he sighs. I tell him "it's all I think about nik. Every second. I think about leaving and I even pack but I unpack because he asked me to stay and I do. Our love is fresh to me nik and so is everything else. And it all just hurts so much. Realizing I died every day and refused to say where any of you went whether I found you or not in hopes I'd be able to come back to my husband and be happy. But I can't because he loves her. To him im old news. A love that died over 1000 years ago and he has every right to move on and he did. And I want him happy. I truly do. Even if it kills me it's all I want." I wipe my tears. "What would you do if you were in his shoes. If you had to choose between an old love and a new one?" He asks. "I'd choose him in any time, any day, any version of reality there is. Because I love him and know I'd never love again if I cannot be with him. I'd choose him because I can't imagine 1000 years without him. Or even longer. No amount of new love would and could compare because it means nothing if it's not his love nik. But he doesn't feel that. He moved on. And is flaunting her in my face breaking me in ways I never thought possible. It makes me want to just go back to the life I was living before I got my memories back...that didn't hurt this much" I reply.

He tells me "do not say that. You're home where you belong" "you became my home because of him." I say. He hugs me and replies "Elijah is being stupid. Hayley definitely does not mean as much to him as you do" I chuckle "I couldn't tell" he chuckles "I have a surprise for tonight" and a assumingely compelled woman comes in and he unzips a dress

 Hayley definitely does not mean as much to him as you do" I chuckle "I couldn't tell" he chuckles "I have a surprise for tonight" and a assumingely compelled woman comes in and he unzips a dress

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He says "we're throwing you a welcome home party and introducing you to the factions as well" I nod "win your husband back. He's still yours." He tells me. I shake my head "he's not and he's made it clear as to who he chose"

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