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Elijah's pov
I can't keep my eyes or attention off of her. Hayley's voice says as we dance and I keep my eyes on her "elijah" "yes?" I ask. "What are you looking at?" She asks. My wife that looks absolutely gorgeous right now. She's laughing holding hope while talking to marcel. "Elijah" my attention is called for once more. "What are you-oh" she sees where my eyes haven't strayed from. "Go" Hayley says. I ask "what?"

"Go to her. She's your wife. I shouldn't have dragged this along. You're both hurting because I'm the other woman" she says. "Hayley" she steps away from me "you love me." "I-" I start and she cuts me off "but not how you love her. You never looked at me the way you look at her Elijah. Not once. And I get it there's 1000 years of time missing but also 1000 years of love between you. And I can't compete with that and I shouldn't have tried. Go to her"

"Hayley" I sigh and she steps away "I cheated on you" what? She continues "I don't have an excuse but it just happened. And I do love you Elijah. So much. But she let you go for me. She lives in agony and you're not even truly happy with me anymore. Go" I walk away from her and ask my love "can we talk?" She steps away from marcel and nods his way and hands hope off with a tickle to her stomach making her giggle.

I touch her and she freezes. I take her outside. "What do you need to say Elijah?" "I choose you" I tell her looking her in the pair of eyes I'd often have dreams about and wake in a cold sweat from. She furrows her eyebrows "what?" I step closer "I was stupid to think you weren't the choice for me. There shouldn't have been a choice to make and I am so sorry about the pain that I caused you. You're my wife. I don't care about the time apart. I never truly moved on. The women that came into my life were place holders...for you. It's always been you and it will forever be you. I love you. I've spent 1000 years agonizing over your death, loving you through all this time. There's no one else for me but you"

"Elijah" she mutters as I caress her cheek and tuck her hair behind her ear "from now on it'll be just us and this family." "Is this because she cheated?" She asks her eyes hurt. "No. Not at all. I shouldn't have acted the way I did with her when I said i was deciding and it caused you pain I would never be able to take back or explain and I am truly sorry my love"

I reply my forehead against hers. Breathing her in. I beg her "let me love you as I should've this whole time. Please" "don't hurt me again...promise me" she begs in reply. "Never" I promise her and close the space between us. She kisses back just as passionate. I pin her against the wall and caress her body having missed her so much. I just want to rip this dress off of her and have my way with her. She tugs at my hair and I kiss at her neck and she tilts her head back "fuck" she moans. Her neck has always been sensitive. Always. I grunt and feel my fangs come out and she pulls me closer and I bite into her neck and she moans "Eli" so sweet. I stop feeding and lick her neck and watch it heal. But it leaves a mark. Interesting. She pulls me into another heated kiss. We pull away reluctantly and I use my handkerchief to wipe the blood from both our faces. I kiss her once more because I can. She smiles and I say "you look gorgeous tonight my love" she replies "and you look dashing" I just take her in like I never will be able to again. She asks "what?" "I love you" i tell her. She smiles "and I love you" I kiss her sweetly "dance with me" "here?" She asks and I pull her to me "there's no where else I'd rather be" and she lays her head on my shoulder as i lead us to a sway to the music that's playing inside. I kiss her head "I truly am sorry" she replies "I pushed you away so you could be happy even if it meant you were without me. I wanted to leave. Hell I even packed....I didn't go because you asked me to stay. Because you wanted me to stay." "My happiness shouldn't come before your own and your needs. If you needed space you should've taken it my love" I sigh. She sighs "you have a hold over me Elijah. And you always will" I kiss her head "I wish I had shown you the hold you have on me as well my love" she sends me a smile "but we're okay now" I nod and pull her into a dip and reply "we're more than okay" and I kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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