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Elijah's pov
My wife...my sweet Thyra. She's here. Alive. Her power stronger than I've ever seen before. I can't help myself. I grasp her face and kiss her with everything in me. Home. I'm home. She melts into me and the moves away "we can't elijah" the sound of my name falling from her lips heal me in ways I've never known.

She says "you're with Hayley." Hayley. I just cheated on Hayley. I do care about her. I've come to terms of the fact that I love her. But I'll never love the way I love Thyra again. "You love us both lijah" she speaks. I say "I've built something with her" "a family...something I could never give you before" she smiles sadly. I grab her hand "you know it does not make me love you less and never has" when we were human we struggled with pregnancy. We tried. Trust me...we tried a lot. And if it happened it ended in loss. She nods "you her and hope are your little perfect family. And I don't fit in your life anymore Elijah. I don't." I tighten my grip on her hand "don't say that. You'll always have a place in my life and heart"

"You can't have us both Elijah. We lost a lot of time...we're strangers now-" she starts "you're not a stranger to me Thyra. You are my wife." I say stroking her hair that's a reddish color now and not dark brown anymore. It's still soft, naturally wavy. "And you are my husband and in love with another and me too." She points out "I can't promise this will be easy my love...I think Time would be best. For all of us to adjust and for me to think" I tell her gently "but please do stay." "And watch you be with her? Elijah I can't" she says and wipes her eye.

She continues "you moved on and I'm here still very much in love with you. And that's my thing to deal with but I can't do that if I'm here watching you with her...just knowing you're with her hurts seeing it would be like staking me slowly and repeatedly" I give her hand a squeeze "I love you Thyra. Always and forever and after that and I've stuck by that. You dying hurt me so much I turned off my emotions to avoid it and I haven't uttered your name since but I do talk about you from time to time despite the pain doing so. You were alive this whole time Thyra. I only even started to move on because it filled a void you left behind. But you're home. And I'm conflicted. I love you. But there's also feelings for Hayley involved and it'll be wrong for me to be with her or you when I haven't wrapped my head around you being alive and getting answers as to how and these feelings."

She tells me "I get it Elijah. We were married. You thought me to be dead but you built this...family with her. I'm the other woman Elijah. You're hers and I'm disrupting that-" I cut her off "you're not disrupting anything. I won't be with either of you until I figure everything out" "lijah" it's Hayley.

"Hayley were talking please give us the room again" I speak. "She's been alive making you think she's dead for 1000 years. Leaving you to mourn her and you're thinking of being neutral between us? She left you elijah. She left" Hayley speaks. Thyra says "I'd never do that. I was willing to give up everything to turn and be with him forever. Why would I leave!" I note her distress at the accusations "Hayley leave. I'll talk to you in a bit" "no. You're mine Elijah. She doesn't get to fake her death for 1000 years and then choose when she wants you. We are together and have been for over a year we've been through hell and back together" Hayley says. "I went to hell and I came back for him Hayley. I was there when his father would berate and beat him. I was there for and with all of them and got my own scars for defending them. I mourned henrik with them and coached klaus through his first transition and protected him from them taking his wolf from him. Elijah and I fell in love and been through hell and back together and protected and even killed for one another. He loved me despite my flaws and inabilities and I loved him through his traumas and the making of the red door in his mind. 1000 years apart did not change a thing for how I love him Hayley" she snaps.

"Hayley. The room" I tell her again and klaus comes and takes her and nods our way. "How are you alive. You never woke up and we buried you" I say to her. "Your mother took me. I woke surrounded by witches and asking for you. I couldn't use my power they disabled it somehow. A drink was forced down my throat and a hand to my temples. I watched my memories fade and I tried to latch onto them. But it was no use. I didn't remember anything. They told me Esther was my mother and that you all killed my brother. They gave me this book" and she waves her hand with her magic a book appearing. "Told me it's my grimoire. And that if I wanted to defeat you I'd need it. I studied, trained, used it. Became their weapon" she wipes her eye and my heart hurts hearing it. "Every once in a while I'd get the feeling that I shouldn't be doing this. Hunting you down. That it's wrong. I'd get a memory and ask. Stupid me. They'd wipe my brain again so I didn't remember. But every time I remembered I remembered the same memory. It was us in the meadow having the picnic and you proposed... sometimes I'd even draw your face. They caught wind of it and beat and wiped me. They'd even ask when I came back where you were. There was a few times I'd know and even see you. I didn't understand my reasoning for keeping my mouth shut but I did. You even saw me a few times. And they'd take my power. Torture me and let me heal slowly on my own. Now I know why...I love you. It was in my subconscious the entire time but I didn't know it. 1000 years of this. And then I was sent here. Told me you had and killed my mother that I needed to kill you all. There were two voices in my head. I realize now the one pleading with me not to do it was my own younger self. And the other one telling me to ignore it and to do it is the me they created. Now here we are"

"I didn't leave you Elijah, I wanted to be your wife and by your side through all of this. I wanted to be here and see kol and Rebekah fall in love. I wanted to see klaus become a father. I wanted to see freya return to the family. But I couldn't be here" she replies sadly. "Look at me Thyra" she does and I wipe her tears gently as I used to. "None of that is on you okay? You're here now and we'll have 1000 more years to spend together" I tell her.

"It's not the same Elijah. I'm not the same. I'm more powerful and therefore more dangerous. I feel like I'm two seconds from just snapping and hurting everything and anything all the time. I'm not safe for anyone" "and we'll help you through this. I helped you with and through your powers and what came with it before. We have freya now, she's a witch too she can help as well. We have davina as well. You're not alone and you'll never be so again. I just need some time" I tell her. "It's um...it's fine. Just be with her Elijah. It's wrong of me to sit here and expect you to choose" she says.

I shake my head "what?" "You moved on. And I need to do the same and see what life here in the year....whatever. Is like." She replies. "I thought you to be dead. I still very much love you. But I need to do right by Hayley and figure things out with all of us" "you can't have us both Elijah. So you have to choose or let me go and continue your life" she says. I know I can't have them both. I love my wife. But I also care deeply for Hayley. I don't want to hurt either of them. But it seems I already am. She chuckles "it's okay. Love her" she took my silence as me choosing to continue life with Hayley. She's gone before I can object. Fuck.

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