[The Star-Spangled Man]

Bucky and Nicola sat in their apartment as they watched the reveal of the new Captain America. Bucky had his hands to his knees as he stared intently at the TV. Nicola glanced at her father, copying him.

Mirna walked in and smiled at her husband and daughter, then noticed the TV was on. She set her stuff down and watched from where she was standing.

"Did you know Steve Rogers?" the announcer asked.

"I was two years out of West Point when Steve came back on the scene," Walker replied. "I followed his career very closely as an Avenger. I like to think that I modeled my work after his."

"So, you've always wanted to be a hero?" the announcer questioned.

"I liked that what I was doing would make people feel safe. Steve Rogers was the kind of guy who could do that, he gave me hope." Bucky tilted his head with a slightly seething expression and Mirna frowned. Nicola tilted her head as well. "So, even though I never met him, he feels like a brother." Bucky pursed his lips.

Nicola stuck her tongue out. "You didn't know Uncle Steve. Shush."

A small smirk crossed Bucky's face at his daughter's words.


Mirna walked up. "James, I know you're angry, but think about this, okay?"

Bucky met her eyes. "What's to think about, Mir? Sam gave up the shield and some arrogant jackass was given it."

"Watch your mouth around Nicola. Honey, don't repeat Daddy's word."

"Are you coming with me or not?"

"I can't talk you out of this, can I?"

"No, doll, you can't."

"Very well. Then I'm coming with you."

"No, Mir. You've got your job. I don't want to take you from that."

"I can do it remotely. There's this wonderful thing called technology. There's cell phones and laptops and internet."

He smirked briefly and nodded. "Okay. But what about Nicola?"

"Can I stay with Yori?" she asked. "He's fun and he's my friend."

Mirna shrugged. "Fine by me. Okay by you?"

Bucky nodded. "We'll have to ask. I'll double check with him."

He made his way to Yori's door and knocked.

Yori opened his door. "Yes?"

"Mirna and I need to handle something and we were wondering if you'd be willing to watch Nicola while we're gone."

Yori nodded. "Bring her here."

Bucky smiled briefly. "Thank you."

He made his way back to his apartment. "We're good."

Nicola clapped her hands. "Yay!"

"Are you packed?"

"Yup! Mommy and I threw stuff in my backpack."

"Great. Now Yori has a key in case you forgot something. I'll take it back as soon as we're back, Mir."

Mirna nodded and she and Bucky led Nicola to Yori's apartment and the little girl walked inside. She waved to her parents and said goodbye to them.

"Be good, little one," Mirna said. "Daddy and I'll be back soon. Have fun, all right?"

"I'll have the bestest fun. Bye, Daddy! Bye, Mommy!"

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