Chapter 23: Hunt

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Right now, you along with Rapi, Anis, Neon and the two Nikkes that is going to help you hunt down this specific Rapture; Mihara and Yuni were all now in the Elevator as it ascends back to the Surface, you stood there still not saying anything as most of the way up to the Surface was quiet, all of the other girls didn't bother saying any as well, until Rapi broke the silence.

Rapi: There's something about this mission that doesn't make sense to me...

Mihara: Oh? What is?

Rapi: This Rapture that we need to it really capable of having Human Communication?

Mihara: Yes, this specific Rapture is capable of Human Communication...

Rapi: How is that possible? We never heard of Raptures with Human Communication before, why are we hearing about this now?

Mihara: Well, it wasn't long ago until Missilis discovered of a Rapture of Human Communication, so this kind of information hasn't gone out just yet...

Rapi: ....

Mihara said to Rapi, the rest of the elevator ride was quiet, the atmosphere around you and the girls were a bit uncomfortable, even for you, I mean your in an elevator surrounded by six girls, its every teenage guys wet dream to have something like this to happen to them, although right now; you weren't having it, your tired and hungry, just wanted to get this mission done and over with.


Moments later, you and the girls were now back at the surface, the vegetation of the wildlife spread out all over through the abandoned ruined city was a sight you saw familiar and a sight of painful memories of the last time of what you went through.

Y/N: ...*sigh*

Anis: Commander? Is everything alright?

Y/N: Yea...I'm good, so; were do we start looking?

Mihara: East, our last encounter with Chatterbox was near an abandoned stadium, we should start from there.

Rapi: Chatterbox?

Mihara: Oh, yes; that's the name of the Rapture that we need to Capture, Yuni; mind leading the way?

Yuni: Sure thing Mihara, do I get a reward if I find him?

Mihara: Hehe~ you'll have to find out and see~

Mihara said, to be honest, there was something off about these two, you just couldn't figure out what it is, but you set that aside for now, right now you and your squad were following Mihara and Yuni as they lead the way, meanwhile Rapi approached you as she walked beside you.

Rapi: Commander, what do you think all about this?

Y/N: *sigh* I don't know Rapi, I'm too tired to think and hungry, that MRE I ate earlier didn't sustain my hunger at all...

Anis: Just, don't push yourself okay? The last thing we want is for you to passout on us...

Neon: Yea, and besides; if something happens like a Tyrant Class Rapture appearing, we won't survive without you Master...

Y/N: You girls are relying on me too much you know that?

Anis: Is that a bad thing?

Y/N: No, I'm just....great full that you girls rely on me, but...I'm also scared...

You said to the girls with a sense of dread coming from your tone on voice, Rapi, Anis, and Neon saw this as the three of them turn there attention towards you, seeing you having a worried expression on your face.

Neon: Scared? What are you so scared about Master? You can summon guns out of thin air and can kill Tyrant Class Raptures like its nothing, what are you so scared about?

Y/N: ....I'm scared of losing you girls...

Rapi: ....

Anis: ....

Neon: ....

Y/N: After what happened to Marian I just...I...I just can't bare to see that happening again...especially to you girls...

You said with a worried and depressed expression on your face, you care enough for Rapi, Anis, and Neon to not see them ending up like what happened to Marian, even though they might say that you don't have to care about them, they themselves knowing that there expendable pawns for the Ark to fight off the Raptures, even so; you care about them.

Rapi: Commander...we understand that you care for us, we really do, so don't worry....

Rapi then rushed up in front of you which made you stop walking, you looked up to her as you see her genuine smile which made you taken aback from her sudden smile.

Rapi: We won't fall to the Raptures that easily, we will stick with you to the end.

Y/N: Rapi...

You then turn your attention towards Anis and Neon as they walked up to you with both having genuine smiles, seeing them smile brought you at ease as you smile back at them.

Y/N: Heh, thanks girls...

Anis: Well, considering we're gonna go through a lot of stuff that might involve certain death, I'd say we fight to the end together.

Neon: I agree! Ever since knowing that Master is a God of War, there's no way I'll fall to the Raptures without a fight!

Y/N: Heh, i really appreciate you girls, I really do...*sigh* Alright, let's get this mission over with so we can get some well R&R...


Some time later, you and your squad were following Mihara and Yuni as they both were leading the way to find Chatterbox, Syuen wants you to Capture it for...God knows what, you kinda forgot as to why she wants this Rapture Captured, all you need to focus on is to find this Rapture and Capture it.

Yuni: Mihara! Look! I found its tracks!

Mihara: My~ thats Chatterbox tracks alright, good job Yuni.

Yuni: Hehe~ does Yuni get a reward?~

Mihara: Not yet I'm afraid, we still need to find Chatterbox after all

Mihara said as you then walk up the tracks of the Rapture that you need to Capture, as you looked towards the tracks, they look like in a Circle like Shape.

Y/N: These tracks...they look fresh..

Mihara: Good eye Commander, it means Chatterbox isn't fair off from here.

Y/N: Which also means were close of finding it...

Mihara: Exactly, but don't take these tracks to fool you Commander, Chatterbox isn't like the others, its also intelligent, it could've made these tracks here to mislead us...

Rapi: So, what your saying is that it might know that we're hunting it?

Mihara: Well, only one way to find out, so for now; let's continue following that tracks.

Mihara said as her and Yuni lead the way while you and your squad followed the two, unknowing to you and the girls, all of you were being watched from a far.

Chatterbox: It's him...


To be continued...

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