Chapter 43: Confronted

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You were now headed back to the Outpost, after being discharged from the Hospital, you started making your way back to the Outpost as Shifty contacted you that you are needed there urgently, you don't know why you were needed back to the Outpost in such a short notice after everything that happened at the Missilis Tower, Shifty leaded you the way back to the Outpost by taking detours and back routes, to make sure the public of the Ark don't see you, if anyone saw you walking down the streets of the Ark after what you did; they would all scream in complete panic.

Shifty: Andersen needs you back at the Outpost immediately Commander...

Y/N: Is there a reason why I'm needed back at the Outpost so urgently? I just got out of the Hospital...I'm surprised I didn't woke up in a square empty box room...

Shifty: I'm afraid I can't tell you that, I've been ordered not to...I'm sorry Commander...

Y/N: ...*sigh*

Moments later you finally made your way to the Elevator that leads back to the Outpost while successful avoiding attention to yourself, you walked inside the Elevator and once you did, the Elevator doors closes as it started making its way to the Outpost.

Shifty: Also, Commander; Rapi and the others are also ay the Outpost waiting for you

Y/N: Thanks Shifty...can I tell you something?

Shifty: Huh? What is it Commander?

Y/N: What do you see in me?

Shifty: ....

Once you asked Shifty that, she went quiet for few moments; them she started to reply to your question, the reason why you asked her this is because your worried of what the people may think of you, do they see you as a Savior or a Monster?

Shifty: Commander, even though we haven't known each for so long, I can tell that your a kind and warm person; instead of Commanding your Nikkes; you fight for them, because you care about them right?

Y/N: ...yea, after the stuff that all the Nikkes have been through, fighting against the Raptures for Humanities sake...they deserve better...all of them do, that's why I fight instead of Commanding...

Shifty: Which proofs my point, you care about your Nikkes, you care about their well beings, their safety; unlike the rest of the people here in the Ark that sees the Nikkes as Weapons; you see them as individuals that are no different then you and me, they have there own emotions, personalized, traits; one treats the Nikkes with care like you do, thats why your a kind and warm person Commander...

You were lost for words for a moment after Shifty said to you, you then gave out a sigh of relief; the Elevator then stop moving as the Elevator doors suddenly open; revealing the way to the Outpost, you then walked out of the Elevator as it's door close behind you.

Y/N: Thanks for the Comfort Words Shifty...really.

Shifty: Don't mention it, besides; I'm your personal Operator after all, I'll be here to help you whenever I can to my upmost abilities.

Y/N: Thanks Shifty...I'll talk to you later.

Shifty: Sure thing Commander.

The Communications with you and Shifty cut off, you then started making your way through the terrain of the Outpost, heading back towards the Command Building, most of the surrounding areas of the Outpost are empty with buildings that are abandoned, the only buildings are functional here are the Nikke Dorms and the Command Building.

Y/N: ...*sigh* I need to tell them the truth...I need them to help me...

You then finally arrive at the front of the Command Building, you made your way inside and the moment you walked, numerous individuals with familiar faces caught your attention.

Common Commander (Goddess of Victory: NIKKE x OP!Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now