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"New York make some fucking noiseee." I hear Amir's loud voice over the mic. Adora eyes me but I don't look back.

It was King Combs' birthday and he was friends with my brother. Amir being who he was, he was hired to take photograph the event that he was also invited to. Ever since we got here Adora has been urging me to go over to him but I stayed my ass in this private section we was in. We caught each other eye at times but that was it.

Adora was usually my +1 but she was also on the invite list. I loved how she was starting to get bigger as a brand and we both was living the lives we wanted.

"Drink another." Adora nudges me as one of the caterers walk over with a tray of shots.

I look at it before I shake my head. I've already had a couple drinks + I was taking a uber home. I wanted to be sober for the journey.

"Come onnn." She shouts over the music but I shake my head relentlessly.

"I'm not driving." I shout back and she pouts as if she is a child.

"Isn't that a good thing?" She mugs me which makes me laugh. She pulls at my arm again, looking at the drinks before looking back to me.

Fuck it.

"Let's get littt." I agree before downing the shot with her. I'm most likely going to regret this but you really only live once.


I check the time on my apple watch. It shows 2.37. I usually don't stay at social events for this long but I was genuinely enjoying myself. Plus, someone had to check on her and Adora was in the same or worse state.

I checked on them from time to time from where I was or sent someone to check on them. I couldn't be too sure.

"Ain't you Ace?" A lightskin woman walks over to me and I nod.

"Can we take a picture?" She asks, pulling out her phone and I nod in return. We take a picture before we pull away and she says her byes.

I turn back and check to see if she is still there but she's gone. I walk into the private section and Adora's mumbling to herself.

"You good?" I ask her and she mugs me and rolls her eyes before turning back away.

"Why are you talking to me?"

"Bit- where 'Lani at?" I ask her and her mouth forms a O.

"Fuck fuck fuck." She yells before standing up. She storms out the room and I follow behind her.

"Yo? Adora?" I pull her by the arm and she turns her body to face me. "Where is she?" I repeat.

"I went to the bathroom and I came back and then I saw- I don't know. I saw a group of niggas come out here and when I back she was gone and- " She rambles but I interrupt.

"You let her go with a group of men?" I shout which caught the attention of a few caterers around us.

"She might be outside." She replies before we walk out of the building. We look around the parking lot but there's no sight of her.

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