"Ugh! Fuck!" Kehlani moaned out loudly, gripping the sheets as her eyes rolled back. She tried to move up but I pulled her back by her waist, pounding into her.
"Stop running." I demand before grabbing her arms and pinning it behind her back. I bit my bottom lip as she maintained a perfect arch in her back.
I kept my deep strokes in attempt to make her body collapse but she kept going. Good girl.
"Fuck I love you baby." I groaned as I felt my peak near. Her body began to shake and she gripped my shaft as her stomach tightened.
I pushed further into her, drilling her hole until her arch broke, making her lie flat down onto her stomach.
"Cum fa' me." I whispered in her ear, sending her off edge. I stroked her through her orgasm, not stopping until she was finished.
I kissed her neck as it ripped through her body. I did my job correctly. I pulled out and released all over her back once we was both done.
"Why do we always fuck before we see my parents?" I sigh as I try to get up.
"Stop testing me then." He replies and I roll my eyes. I was asking for it though, I love teasing him.
"Babe I need to tell you something." I tell him before sitting back down. He gives me a look and leans up.
"Back in Miami I met someone at a party and we were just talking like normal, a little flirtatious but that's all." I start but his face doesn't change.
"You guys fuck?" He asks, cutting me off. "No we didn't." I scoff but he simply nods.
"Apparently I was drunk and all over him but he didn't do anything, we just slept in the same bed but I had nothing on." I finish but he scrunches his face up.
"I'm confused on what you're telling me, how did you not fuck but you was naked?"
"In the morning I woke up next to him and he told me that he didn't want to take advantage of me and I started breaking down in front of him and he just held me until I slept." I explain.
"And you didn't do anything with him?" He asks.
"Besides from that, no." I reply. He looks down for a while before looking back up to me.
"I don't really know what to say but i'm glad you told me." He says.
"You're not mad?" I ask him. "I'm here with you, he's not. I got nothing to be mad about." He replies.
I inwardly smile and peck his lips twice. "I love you so much." I whisper.
"I love you too mama." He says lowly before pulling me back down to him.
"Aht aht! We got somewhere to be." I say, pushing hands away from my ass.
Alfred was my first example of a proper gentleman, most things Amir did reminded me of Alfred.
Alfred also taught Kieron how to treat women which added to his charm and how he was overly sexualised at such a young age.
My dad wasn't the best parent now that I think of it and Alfred was more of a father than he was.
I wasn't scared for tonight because I knew I could handle a child in this stage of my life, I just wanted my family to accept it.
I wanted my child to have a family because I know Amir's relationship with his was intense.

RomanceGirl, you're the one I want You're the one I need I'm beggin' you, please Can you come back to me 'Cause I was blind to see That's who was right in front of me (you were right in front of me).