"You're not watching itttt." She cups my jaw, redirecting my face to the TV.
"Because it's boring." I shrug and she rolls her eyes once more.
"We're 10 minutes in Amir." She replies.
We was binge watching the Twilight movie series and we was already on the third. Still, she's been claiming she hates movies for the past twenty minutes when I suggested to watch something else
"Why were your hands so cold? You cold?" I ask her and she raises her eyebrows.
"I don't feel cold?" She replies.
I grab her hand, pulling it into mine. We stay holding hands for a while until she realises what I wanted.
"You're so cornyyy." She giggles, pulling her hand away from mine.
"What did I do?" I turn to her and she cups my face once again, making me turn my head.
I grab her hand but she doesn't pull away. Instead I wrap my hand around her once more.
"Corny ass." She mumbles under her breath yet when I turn to her she's smiling.
Corny ass.
"Kehlani," I turn back to her and she raises her head slightly. "Let me take you somewhere." I say and she smiles.
"Wher- what right now?" She asks me and I shake my head.
"This saturday." I reply and she takes a second to think about it.
"Where would you like to take me?" She asks and I shrug.
"Why would I tell you?"
"So you what are you asking me exactly Amir?" She raises her eyebrow.
"To take you on a date. This saturday at 7." She smiles before rolling her eyes playfully.
Pretty ass.
"Deadass?" She says as her New York accent beams out.
"Deadassss." I let out a light chuckle and she slightly giggles.
"You can take me," She replies and I nod in return. "What should I wear?" She asks.
"No dresses or heels." I answer.
"So no fancy dinner? Okay. Anything else I need to know?"
"Just be ready by 7, I'ma pick you up." I tell her and she smiles. Like always.
After around 40 minutes of the movie I turn to him and he's already asleep. He hates talking during movies and we've been silent the whole time, it's not a surprise that he is sleeping.
I jog upstairs to get a blanket before coming back down and his eyes are wide open.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"Nah you good. Come here." He licks his lips as he stares at me.
It's not purring it's roaringggg
I walk over to sit beside him but he pulls me closer by the waist. Im startled by the gesture but his smile is inviting and warm.
He grabs the remote, unpausing the movie before leaning back into his seat. I lay my head on his shoulder as his arm is wrapped around my waist. He smells amazing and he's always so warm.
"Where's my phone?" I ask him but he shrugs.
"Get up real quick," I turn to him and he does- well barely. He lifts his hips into the air, leaving some
space between him and the chair.I grab my phone from under him then look back up, seeing his exposed V-line that his shirt barely covered. I look closer, seeing a few of his defined abs then-
"What the fuck?" I get up quickly and he turns to me, confused.
"What?" He asks me. Once he sees the fear on my face, his expressions soften.
"Why the fuck do you have a gun Amir?" I ask him, backing away slightly.
"What? No I would never hurt you." He stands up and I back up again.
"Why is that here?" I repeat my question.
"I'm sorry." He steps closer but I back up one. He's at least 5 feet away from me and I could possibly escape if I ran fast enough.
I eye the glass vase from the corner of my eye and he notices it, stepping closer once more.
"Don't try hit me with that shit, let me explain. Sit down." He pulls his hand out. I stare at it for a while.
"Just sit down. I won't ever hurt you Kehlani, I promise." He extends his arm towards me and dumb enough, I take it.
He leads me back on the sofa and we both sit down. I keep my distance but he doesn't force me to close the wide gap.
"I want you to know that this isn't here to hurt you," He taps his waist twice. I flinched slightly by his sudden movements and he noticed it.
"If you want me to go, I'll go Kehlani. I just want you to know that I wouldn't hurt you." He licks his lips as the words leave his mouth.
As scary and crazy as this should be, it made me more attractive to him. I have no idea why.
"I don't want you to go Amir, I want to know why you have that."
"To protect myself." He replies.
"From who?"
"You know I can't tell you that."
"You're going to protect yourself how Amari? You going to shoot them? Kill them?" I suffocate myself with words but his face doesn't express anything.
"Whatever is necessary to protect me and mines." He replies.
"Amir that isn't a fucking normal statement to live by." I tell him.
"Not for you Kehlani," He slightly raises his voice and his accent comes out strongly.
"I can't explain this shit to somebody like you." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Someone like me?" I mug him.
"Look at how you've lived for the past 23 years of your life. I ain't ever had this privilege. I seen and i've done some shit I regret but now it's all past me. That hun is just to make sure it doesn't start again." He explains to me. I find myself feeling more comfortable even though I should be petrified.
"What doesn't start again?" I ask him and he sighs.
"You know I can't tell you that."
"No, I don't know."
"You don't think your dad got a gun stored in his house?" He answers. I know he just wanted to avoid the question but it didn't work.
"His gun is licensed and it's locked somewhere in the house." I argue and he sighs. I don't know what he didn't understand, he had a gun and had brought into my house.
"I'm sorry I brought it here, that's my bad. But this shit- ." He stops for a while.
"I'm out, alright?" He finishes before getting up and I repeat the same action. "We've lived two different lives, nothing I say is gonna help you understand and you obviously don't feel safe with me."
"I feel safe with you Amir." I reply and he sighs deeply.
He puts his hands in his jacket pockets and I flinch. I regret it after I see his face.
"Do you?" He asks which ties my tongue. I don't know weather I did or not.
"Exactly." He sighs before walking out of the room. I don't stop him even though I want to. I half expected him to come back but not too long later, I hear the door close.
I don't know if it's just me but I love a lil hood nigga 😩😩 couldn't make Amir basic

RomanceGirl, you're the one I want You're the one I need I'm beggin' you, please Can you come back to me 'Cause I was blind to see That's who was right in front of me (you were right in front of me).