"I told you." Zariah says, laughing as soon as she sees me.
"I really don't wanna hear none of that right now." I tell her but she still continues to laugh.
"I fuckinggg told you." She repeats causing me to suck my teeth.
"Aye where Kano at?" I ask in attempt to take her attention off of me.
"I told you and you didn't wanna listen now your ex girl out here wylin'." She says causing me to jerk my head back.
"Wilding how? What is she doing?" I ask her urgently causing her to start laugh again.
"That isn't your business..aye you fumbled you though." She says chuckling.
"I didn't fumble nada, that's still my girl." I scoff.
"But does she and then other niggas in Miami know that?" Zariah smirks
What the fuck?
What is she talking about?
I swear Kehlani if you're-
"We got shit to do." Kano interrupts. I'm usually so paranoid I didn't even know he came.
I'm slacking.
Look at what you've done to me Kehlani.
"What's going on?" I ask him, leaning back in Zariah's office seat.
"I know where Rico at." He says. I look down before looking back up at him.
"Go on.."
"My nigga in jail heard one of his jail mates talking about some new nigga in town think he all that, got his baby mama pregnant and he ain't happy and shit." He explains.
"How do we know it's Rico?" I ask him.
"His son always boasting about how his 'new daddy drives a red cadillac that says RACKS on the plate'. " He replies.
Since young Rico always wanted a red cadillac with a personalised number plate, it was obvious it was him.
"So Rico is usually with the baby mama and shit?"
"Normally when he's in trouble or ran out of money, you know he's always in debt to someone, always spending money."
"Where she live at?" I ask him.
"Staten Island." He replies.
Staten Island we go.
I wipe the dripping remains of Hennessy off of my lips before turning to Adora.
Adora was usually the one dragging me to get lit with her but I guess the tables have turned today.
"Why you not drinking nothing?" I ask her before taking another sip of the concoction of alcohol I had in my hand in a red cup.
"Why you drinking everything?" She retorts making us both start laughing.
We was with two other girls and one of their boyfriends. The boyfriend knew basically everyone in this damn party and Adora was the host.
Adora booked a huge airbnb and literally invited everyone she knew which wasn't hard for Adora at all.
She is literally the epitome of famous.
"We're gonna go up there okay?" Jessica says to us, referring to her and her boyfriend.
Me and Adora exchange look before giving them the okay to go up to the bedrooms.
"He got a boner." Adora says causing me to burst out laughing.
"Why did you look?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes playfully.
"I mean it was just out there like..." She trails off and I shake my head.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I whisper loudly in her ear and she nods.
I stand up and do my business before walking out. I bump into a boy around 6'1 but once I look up to him he looks at least 6'7.
"Watch where you're going cuh." He spits before barging me.
"Shut the fuck up." I remark causing him to turn quickly.
"You lucky I don't hit girls." He scoffs.
"And I hit boys the fuck?" I reply, getting up in his face.
"Move out my face bruh." He says, backing away.
"That's what the fuck I thought." I chuckle before walking away. I feel someone pull me back by my hand and I naturally push him off of me.
"Aye calm down," He orders as he pulls me closer to him. "Who you talking to?"
I look around dramatically before looking at him with a mug.
"You?" I ask as I laugh dead in his face.
"Yeah aii." He chuckles, letting me go. I look in his hazel brown eyes for a while before he breaks eye contact.
"Oh shit you're Kehlani Iman." He says causing me to roll my eyes.
"Oh so now you're being nice because you know who I am?"
"Your family got a legacy, I have to at least respect you." He replies which slightly makes sense.
"So you're just gonna disrespect everyone who's family doesn't?" I ask, tilting my head.
"Why wouldn't I?" He replies, mimicking my head movement.
Something that Amir always did.
"It was nice meeting you." I tell him shaking my head.
"My name is Dion." He replies from behind me. I smile as I walk away and I just know that he's smiling too.
"Who got you cheesing like that?" Adora asks out of nowhere causing me to jump.
"Nobody get out my business." I say with a slight smile.
"You dropped this." Dion says, walking back towards me. He hands me my matching ring me and Adora have causing me to widen my eyes.
"Woowwww." Adora says dramatically as she checks her hand for her own.
"I'm sorry I must've took it off to wash my hands," I tell her. "Thank you." I say to Dion before sliding the ring on my finger.
"Oh shit, hey Dion." Adora says to him and they both give each other a small hug.
See, she knows everybody.
"Happy birthday 'Dora." He says and she thanks him. He turns to me and Adora slowly leaves us alone.
She thinks she's slick.
"You just wanna talk to me huh?" He asks which makes me laugh.
"Goodbye Dion." I say, shaking my head.
"Nah I wanna speak to you." He says before licking his lips.
He knew exactly what he was doing and if I wasn't just in a relationship I wouldve definitely entertained him.
Fuck it though.
"Okay speak." I reply and he smiles. It's funny that Amir smiled like once when we first met and he smiles all the time.
"You stay in Miami?" He asks me.
"Nope, I live in New York but i'm thinking about moving to LA." I tell him.
"I didn't ask all that." He replies and I scrunch my face up.
"Can I leave now?"
"Nah." He smirks and I roll my eyes.
"Bye Dion." I tell him and he waves in return.
So annoying.

RomanceGirl, you're the one I want You're the one I need I'm beggin' you, please Can you come back to me 'Cause I was blind to see That's who was right in front of me (you were right in front of me).