"Why are you back here?" She sighs as she eyes me through her door.
I promised myself that i'd be back, so here I am. As soon as I finished my gym session I drove here.
She looked like she came out a fresh shower and this new style she's done looks beautiful on her. I hate that I had to see it through her instagram pictures.
"Let me talk to you 'Lani." I reply, rubbing the back of my neck. I find myself doing that a lot lately whenever i'm around her.
"There's nothing to talk about, I don't want anything to do with you or Rico." She spits.
"Rico? Did he do anything to you?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. She slightly flinches and steps back which softens my expressions. The last thing I want to do is scare her.
"I'm sorry," I sigh before starting again. "Did you talk to him?" I ask, with a calmer tone.
"I guess." She shrugs before trying to shut the door. I don't try to stop it, I let it shut in my face.
I don't chase her, I don't chase women. But this one... I don't know.
I walk into my car and just wait, patiently. I have a client at 5pm hopefully this takes shorter. I check the time and it's only 11.
Just wait.
He's been out there for the past two hours. I don't know exactly what he's waiting for and I don't know wether to go out there and talk to him.
I should.
I should at least go and talk to him and hear him out.
I don't know why I feel so hurt about the distant thing but I don't know why I don't want anything to do with him yet I know I do.
Still, i'm outside in my crocs, walking towards his car. His windows are tinted but I know he's looking at me through them.
I knock on the window and he opens it for me through the inside. I sit in and we both just look each other for a while.
"You gonna let me talk to you?" He starts the conversation. I'm grateful he did because Lord knows that I wasn't.
"Talk." I reply, keeping my eyes on my thighs that were now shivering. I don't know why his AC was so high, whenever I was in his car I had to make him switch it off. When I look up, he's turning the AC down.
Very cute.
"First of all, are you okay?" He asks but I know he's referring to Rico.
"I'm fine." I say shortly and he nods in return.
"I didn't mean to distance myself without no explanation, I didn't know how to explain anything without telling you everything."
"Well you owe me a explanation." I cross my arms, waiting for him to speak.
"It's complicated." He sighs as he leans back in his seat. "Firstly, who's that nigga you was with yesterday?"
He can't be fucking serious.
"Ok then." I try to open the door using the handle but it doesn't open. I turn back to him and his finger rests on top of the child lock button.
"I'll explain," He presses it once more, unlocking the door. "I did some fucked up shit that I deeply regret, I just don't want the same to affect you."
"There you go, making decisions for me once again." I roll my eyes.
"And I learnt my lesson."
"What was you planning to do Amir? Never speak to me again?"
"Yeah..." He says quieter than usual. I scrunch my face up at his reply which only irritated me more.
"Nah you a grown man, speak the fuck up." I slightly raise my voice but it's choked out of me once his hands wrap around my neck.
"Who are you talking to like that?" His grip around me tightens whilst his tone is husky and... for some reason attractive.
His muscles flex through the black compression shirt and his veins...his veins are beautiful. He definitely got a haircut in the past few days or so.
"You." I mumble under my breath.
"Speak the fuck up." He mocks, knowing exactly what he's doing.
"Nobody." I suck my teeth, pushing his hands off of me. I don't know what he's trying to do but I don't want it to work.
"What you want me to do?" He asks me.
"I want you to speak to me like a real fucking person Amir, none of that small shit," I reply and he nods. "And i'd appreciate some new flowers, the last ones died." I say with a mischievous grin.
"From now on, you want to know anything i'll tell you. I promise you that + the flowers." He says and I stick out my pinky finger. He looks at it then back up to me and starts laughing.
"Wowww, you don't wanna pinky promise with me? Bet." I say to him which stops his laughter.
"Come on man." He dramatically sighs before sticking out his own and they connect for a few seconds before we take them apart.
"Never doing that shit again." He mutters quietly but loud enough so I can hear it.
"But uhh, what did Rico want?"
"He told me to tell you to talk to him, he found me Amir. He knew where I was."
"I know, i'm sorry. I assure you nothing like that is going to happen again, I know Rico and i'm a hundred percent sure it was a coincidence." He reassures which makes me smile.
"What happened?" I ask and he looks at me in confusion. "I know you didn't just wake up and told yourself to stop talking to me. What happened?"
"When I was younger I had a friend, Curtis. Me and Curtis grew up together and he always planned to go the NBA. He was the best in the borough for our age group at basketball. No doubt he would've made it D1 at least." He pauses for a while then starts again.
"We was out playing basketball like we usually do, I got a little cocky cause you know, he's my dawg, I wanted everyone to know he was the best. We play a 3v3, we win, I start trash talking and shit. A fight breaks out and we beating their ass. Next day we on the courts again, his older brothers and cousins and shit walk over to me and start beating my ass and Curtis- he tried to help me but they-
I see tears start to form in his eyes, I rest my hand on his and he calms down slowly.
"You don't have to tell me the rest Amir."
"You wanted to know right?" He replies. My heart now fills with guilt. I don't know if I crossed a boundary or not.
"I know Amir but-
"Let me take you out on a date, again." He interrupts causing me to smile.
"Okay, when?"
"Onnnn... uhhh, the 16th." He replies.
"I can do that, what time?"
"When I come get you." He chuckles.
"That isn't working with me, what time?"
"Just be ready by 5, we going a little early." He tells me.
"Okay, bye." I move to open the door but he presses the child lock button again.
"No kiss?" He mugs me which makes me laugh.
"Not today." I giggle before leaning over to press the button myself. I give him a small wave before getting out of the car.
Maybe on the 16th.

RomanceGirl, you're the one I want You're the one I need I'm beggin' you, please Can you come back to me 'Cause I was blind to see That's who was right in front of me (you were right in front of me).