Im haunted.

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Enids POV: After dinner we go upstairs and after about 30 minutes I went to check on Wednesday she was already asleep she looks so cute? What am I saying!? She does look peaceful though I walked out and went back to my room. I set up all my posters and my LED lights to make the room not so well emo I guess. After I'm done setting everything up and fixing everything I feel tuckered out. I check the clock on my phone and it's THREE IN THE MORNING?! Im never up this late it's probably because it's a new house and it's only my first night.

I change my clothes into pjs and I try to sleep it's been about 30 minutes and I keep tossing and turning I'm going to check on Wednesday as I get up I walk through her door and walk up to her she is still asleep which makes sense I don't want to wake her up I'm thinking if I should or not.

"If you want to kill me hurry up with it" Wednesday said out of no where

I jump and cover my mouth trying not to scream and I punch Wednesdays arm.

"What the hell Addams you scared me" I said still standing there.

Wednesday turns over and turns her lamp on and sits up like she is a vampire which isn't a much difference.

"Sit down" Wednesday said pointing to her bed .

"What do you want?" Wednesday said with a low raspy voice.

"Well I couldn't sleep" i said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh. Why not ?" Wednesday said rubbing her eyes.

"I don't know it's probably because it's a new house and I'm not used to it" I said slouching my back.

"How long have you been up for?!" Wednesday said with a concern look on her face'

"Well since now" I said giggling again.

Wednesday looked confused because she didn't know what time it was.

"It's 3:30 by the way" i said letting her know with a smile.

Wednesdays POV: Enid always sleeps so good but since everything happened she has been staying up I mean she did sleep all day today so.

"3:30?!" I said concerned.

I'm still tired but i need to help Enid first and then I could go to sleep.

"You could sleep with me" I said with a numb expression.

"REALLY THANK YOU WENDS" Enid said in a loud whisper.

Enid grabs her stuff from her room and sets it on the floor and lays on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I said confused.

"Well I didn't think you would want me sleeping up there" Enid said in a puppyish voice.

I look at her with a assuring look and I pat the bed so she could sleep here. Enid gasps and crawls over me to get to the bed. There it is again that rush of heat Enid calls 'blushing' I wipe my face hoping the color will go down and then I turn off my light. As soon as I lay down my nose gets filled with the scent of roses it smells nice Enid always smells nice. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Enids POV: after Wednesday feel asleep she rolled over and wrapped around me like a koala I stared to blush!? It's probably because Wednesday never touches anybody EVER I feel safe I always feel safe around Wednesday but it's different this time for some reason I roll over and burrow my head into her arms and fall asleep peacefully.

I feel Wednesday leave even though her body is cold I feel so warm around her.

"Where are you going?" I said in a sweet soft voice.

Wednesday looks scared to what I said.

"I'm not Ajax." Wednesday said with a disgusted but confusing tone.

I look at her and sit up and I feel embarrassed.

"Oh yeah sorry it was a dream I had" I said with a nervous laugh.

"Do you want coffee or tea?" Wednesday said resting her shoulders.

She isn't standing straight? This is a new one she always has good posture.

"Is it okay if I sleep for a bit longer I mean It's only 7" I said begging for more sleep.

"Yes you can sleep as much as you want pup" Wednesday said walking off.

Pup? is that her new nickname for me I like it I start blushing again and I don't know why I will figure this out later I'm extremely tired.

I wake up and I'm back at the dorm I walk out the dorm and see the Hyde and Wednesday again the Hyde is holding Wednesday by the throat and Wednesday is squirming trying to escape. She looks at me and reaches her arm out gasping for air.

"Help me" Wednesday said gasping for air.

The Hyde then takes a swipe at Wednesdays face and she screams I drop down to my knees and begin to cry with my eyes closed.

I open them and I jump up and put my hand on my chest I'm gasping for air I look around and Wednesday is looking directly at me.

"Are you okay you were crying in your sleep" Wednesday said standing to the right of me.

I jump up and hug her.

"Your okay!" I said whispering but relieved.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Wednesday said confused.

She grabs my hands away from her and pushes them off me.

"I had a bad dream about that night and I couldn't save you this time" I said still wanting to hug her.

She leans down and hugs me and whispers to me.

"Your okay, I'm okay, we are okay." Wednesday said changing her words.

"Thank you wends" I said still scared from my dream.

I let go of her because she doesn't like much contact I start to realize that I'm haunted maybe it's because it's only been a day since then but still I. Am. Haunted.

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