Lone girls

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Wednesdays POV:
I walked into a room I was familiar with and sat down in the chair in front of Dr. Kinbot.

"I am so sorry for your loss Wednesday. Losing a friend must be hard." Dr. Kinbott said putting her hands on her lap.

"Girlfriend. She was my girlfriend." I said slouching and putting my arms crossed.

"Right, sorry." Dr. Kinbott said kindly.

"Here. I got you this!" Dr. Kinbott said handing me a journal.

"I would like you to write in this to express your feelings because you don't usually do that!" she said with a chuckle.

"I know how a journal works I used to write in them all the time before I dated Enid."

"Okay. Well, I think our session is over!" Dr. Kinbott said clearing her throat.

I stood up and walked out the door shutting it behind me.

30 minutes later.

I walked into my room and sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling when Yoko walked into the room.

I sat up confused "Yoko?"

"Do to know that Enid's funeral is tomorrow?" she cleared her through before she spoke.

"Oh...I didn't know they were having one for her." I said standing up.

"Well, I and Divina are doing one for her I was just letting you know." she began to walk out the door before I interrupted her.

"Wait," I said so Yoko could turn around.

She spun around and shut the door

"Yes?" she said confused.

"I had a vision about Enid,"

"What!? Well, what happened?" she said walking over to me and sitting down.

"Well, I was in a dark room and whispers kept saying something... And then the voices started to get clearer and it said "Enid is in her.'" I said rushing the words out of my mouth.

"So Enid could have a chance of being alive?" Yoko said widening her eyes with joy and a smile formed on her face.

As much as I didn't like them when I did date Enid I warned them because if they are Enid's friends then they are mine as well and to see a smile form on Yoko's face after Enid died is nice.

"I guess so my visions have never been wrong," I said.

"Okay well, I'll tell D right now!" Yoko said jumping up and leaving in a hurry.

As she left in a hurry, Annie walked in and got scared.

"What's her issue?" Annie said smiling.

"Nothing. I just told her good news is all."

"Oh okay well I got you this!" Annie said handing me a quad.

I grabbed her hand and my eyes went black.

I woke up and saw Enid rocking herself back and forth mumbling words I couldn't understand. I walked over to get closer to her and I heard her voice.

"Where am I? How did I get her?" Enid said as she was still rocking back and forth and crying.

I went to bend down and touch her shoulder but I woke up.

Annie was looking at me like nothing even happened and she smiled and handed me the coffee.

Enid's POV the day she "died":

I woke up in the woods with someone next to the guy that was trying to kill me and a dead body that had dark brown hair and a strong jawline.

I looked over beside me and I saw what looked like a priest saying something ancient like a spell from Harry Potter.

He said his last word and I passed out.

I woke up in a black void that echoed.

"Hello?" I said confused.

I stood up and I started to hear a voice it sounded like Wednesday.

"Wednesday? Is that you?" I said even more confused.

She started to talk to someone like she was talking to me. And then I heard someone say "My name is Annie."

For the past couple of days, I still don't understand what has been happening.

All I know is that this "Annie" girl is friends with Wednesday and No one can hear me I also heard Yoko and Divina so their friends with Annie too.

   I just want to get out of here and see Wednesday again and of course Yoko but I REALLY miss Wednesday.

I fell asleep and I started to dream about how Wednesday was laying in a hospital bed cuddling my jacket and crying.

   That was a weird dream considering I've like never seen Wednesday EVER.

I woke up in the same dark abyss cold and alone. I hate being alone especially when I'm in the dark.

     Maybe I'm dead? Maybe I've died and I'm stuck here forever and ever and I can never see my friends and Wednesday again.

No that can't be true if I was dead I would be somewhere good like heaven or something like that I don't know I'm not religious. But I have never done anything bad I've always been good.

   I hope I get out of here soon if by all means.

   Wednesday's POV: even though I know Enid is alive she is still in that weird dark room scared and alone and I haven't seen her except for in my visions.

(I am so sorry that I haven't been posting. I have been doing M-step testing and then I have had a bunch of homework and I've been exhausted)

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