She was all i had

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Wednesdays POV:
Three days later.

I stood outside by the curb pickup with all my stuff. My scars from the stab wound were still sore so I had to take it easy and I take any by movements or I will tear my stitches.

I had Enid's jacket in one hand and my backpack in the other. I still can't believe she is gone I have nothing to listen to. Not her drama, her stories from when she was a kid, nothing not a thing it's so silent without her here.

The vehicle pulled up next to me and my mother rolled down her window.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded my head and went around the car and went in.

I sat my stuff on the seat next to me and stared out the window.

15 minutes later.

"Bye Wednesday." My mother said looks ing at me as getting out.

"Bye," I said quickly.


I walked out of the car and into the building everyone got quiet and turned their heads toward me.

I threw my head down and stared down at the floor.

I look up and see Divina and Yoko huddled around someone and I saw someone with pink and ue ends. Is that Enid?

I rushed over to Divina and Yoko and nudged them out of the way.

"Wednesday this is Annie," Yoko said looking at me.

"Hello," I said in a numb tone.

"You look like a vampire!" Annie said amused at me.

She went to touch my face but I slapped her hand away.

"Ow Jesus." Annie pulled her hand away from me.

"Who are you I've never seen you around," I asked her.

"Well I'm a new student I just got enrolled today!" She said excitedly.

She reminds me of Enid and I don't like it considering she's... Gone.

"Whatever just stay away from me please," I said turning around.

"Wait! I have a question." Annie said.

"What," I said annoyed.

"Do you know where Ophelia Hall is?" Annie questioned.

"Why!?" I said nervously.

"Oh because that's my room I guess."Annie smiled.

I looked at Yoko and she put her head down and wiped her eyes from tears.

"You're my... New roommate?" I said with my eyes opened wide and tears filling up.

"If you're in Ophelia Hall then yup!" Annie said jumping.

"Hey are you okay?" she said sincerely.

A tear ran down my face.

"I'm fine," I said wiping my face.

"Just follow me." I continued to speak.


The school just forgot her that easily she did so much for this school and they don't give a fuck

I walked in there and a faint smell of Enid's perfume filled my nose.

The window was still the way it used to be half and half.

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